Dr James Stoxen DC and Wiggle’s, Anthony Field training backstage.
Rosemont Theater, Chicago IL, 2009
Back in 2004, Anthony didn’t have a structured exercise routine. He needed to lose some weight and he certainly had to find a way to work out and eat a healthier diet, but he didn’t know where to start.
The Anthony Field, Circus-Playground Training Routine:
Anthony had the same excuses that many other people had with a few more that most of us could not understand. He couldn’t just walk into a fitness center and mix in with the locals without getting hounded for autographs or questions about something wiggly.
He did not like to go to gyms and disliked weight training and working out on machines. He claimed he did not have the time. That is what people say when it’s not that important to them right now.
He was also aprehensive in working out without re-injuring his back. This is common for someone who had suffered chronic pain for 25 years.
Since most public gyms wont allow barefoot training he did not have the opportunity to go barefoot in a gym and follow choreographed drills using equipment such as pulleys, ropes and mechanical abductors.
Together Anthony and I devised a program that allowed him to strengthen his his body in a setting other than a regular workout environment. He was able to to this backstage.
Because he is on the road 8 months out of the year I thought it would be ideal to structure the training around playground equipment so he could exercise and play with his 3 kids while spending quality time with them. Anthony’s act on stage is a bit like a circus and he loves the Circus life so we call this the ‘Anthony Field Circus-Playground Routine.’
Effectively, what we incorporated was a program that emphasized ‘play’ using playground equipment for training equipment in which it was – perfect for this big kid!
He could complete a session in approximately 15 minutes while with kids so it was great for a busy guy with a family.
Pictured below is a group of hanging exercises I gave him to help him strengthen the muscles around his midsection. This helps to get the weight more evenly distributed perpendicular to the center of gravity.
It’s never too late to initiate the program. Start slowly, don’t overdo it and give yourself time to recover.
If you have children and find yourself at the park with a playground you can do the drills on the monkey bars (hanging).