The Human Spring, A Logical Way to Look At the Way The Body Works?

The Human Spring A unique approach to examining, treating, training and maintaining healthy mechanics By Dr. James Stoxen DC Chiropractic Economics Magazine Issue #6 Apring 17, 2012 The Human Spring An approach to examining, treating, training and maintaining healthy mechanics There is a large gap beween what coaches recommend for elite-level athletes and what most doctors recommend. for example: Many doctors will say that impacts are bad for you and that … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #9 The Human Spring Approach In It’s Relationship To Hooke’s Law Of Physics

  We can apply some of the laws of engineering and physics such as Hooke's Law Of Physics which states: The deeper that the spring is depressed the more energy it recycles back to the run, jog, walk or spring. Hooke's Law of spring engineering states that we can push the human spring to its limits to maximize its potential energy as long as we don’t exceed the elastic limit of the spring or the yield point. Hooke's law of elasticity is an approximation that states that … [Read more...]


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