Chondromalacia Patella / Cracking Knees or Runners Knee, Treatment and Prevention Tips from The Barefoot Running Doctor

Chondromalacia Patella ICD-9 733.92 Chondromalacia Patella / Cracking Knees or Runners Knee, Knee Cap Pain! Treatment and Prevention Tips from The Barefoot Running Doctor Tips For Better Health Ask the doctor, Dr James Stoxen DC Do you experience knee pain when running? Do you have knee pain when bending? Does your knees crack when going up the stairs? You may have what athletes call Runners Knee, what non-athletes call Cracking Knees and what doctors call, Chondromalacia … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #75 The Deep Tissue Treatment Dr. James Stoxen DC Uses For Shin Splints

   Dr. James Stoxen DC Demonstrates The Deep Tissue Treatment He Uses For Shin Splints   Today i'm going to talk about Shin Splints. I am going to show you how to get some relief from the pain from shin splints by doing some deep tissue work. This is helpful if you have major or minor shin splints. This is exactly what I do with patients in my office which means i'm teaching you all of my tricks. First you find the shin which is located in the picture … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #79 Dr James Stoxen DC Demonstrates Self-Help, Deep Tissue Treatment Of The Gluteus Medius Muscle of the Hip

One of the most common injuries or cause of injuries in runners that I see is Gluteus Medius weakness, resulting in the gluteus medius muscle becoming strained, tightened and/or leading to a specific Gluteus Medius injury or compensatory injuries down the kinetic chain such as knee joint pain,  foot pain and ankle pain. Releasing and Strengthening this important stabilizer will help decrease running or walking overuse injuries. Releasing and Strengthening the Human Spring is one of the more … [Read more...]


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