Wiggles Pickles n’ Foot Tickles by Jaya J: Running Feet Naked May 31, 2012 BAREFOOT RUNNERS - TAKE NOTE Jaya J, a journalist who interviewed me in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia just wrote her second blog post on her efforts to try the Human Spring Approach and barefoot running. click here to view the post 'Running Feet Naked", on Jaya J’s blog site When I met Jaya, less than a month ago she told me that her doctors told her she had to quit running with or without shoes! Now … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #168 The ‘Controlled Fall’ Its Importance In Reducing Impact Force and Running Efficiency
Improving your running form and your running technique can help you run faster and run more efficiently. By learning the proper running form you will be able to reduce impact force adding less stress on your body and reduce the risk of injury. Some of these common running injuries include, plantar fasciitis, iliotibial band syndrome, or shin splits, heel pain and Plantar fasciitis. Proper running form is a very important component to every runner’s training plan. Body positioning at … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #5 Anthony Field’s Recovery – The Key to his Suffering was Found in the Gait Evaluation
The Human Spring is integrated into the movement pattern therefore it's built into the engineering. When the spring locks it alters the movement pattern and it gets in the way of the healing process. If you are having trouble getting relief from a herniated disc or back pain and you're wondering why it's maybe because your focus is only on the back. You need to look at the entire kinematic chain and check the elastic recoil mechanisms or what I call the human spring function. One day the tour … [Read more...]
BEIJING NEWS: Interview: Dr James Stoxen DC – Incorrect Walking Form May Cause Back Weakness And Pain (English Version)
Incorrect Walking Form May Cause Back Weakness And Pain Interview with American sports medical professor, Dr. James Stoxen DC Dr James Stoxen, D.C., has directed Team Doctors Chiropractic Treatment and Training Center.Dr Stoxen has developed very unique approaches to caring for patients who suffer from acute and chronic back problems and other serious musculoskeletal conditions – conditions that others feel surgery is the only cure. Stoxen’s treatments have received worldwide interest in … [Read more...]
BEIJING NEWS: 最佳走姿:“环”着走,像螃蟹横着走 Beijing News Interviews Dr James Stoxen DC – Incorrect Walking Form May Cause Back Weakness And Pain (Chinese Version)
最佳走姿:“环”着走,像螃蟹横着走 www.thebeijingnews.com · 2008-11-11 3:54:20 … [Read more...]