The Inflammation-Depression Connection Approach and The Science Based Natural Approach to Depression

Depression ICD-9 296.3 The Inflammation-Depression Connection Approach and The Science Based Natural Approach to Depression News You may have seen all the media on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, The Today Show, and many others about how Wiggle front man, Anthony Field, one of many celebrities with depression and feelings of depression, that was handicapped by chronic pain, chronic fatigue, misdiagnosed fibromyalgia and clinical depressive disorder during his 20 years on the road.. Watch … [Read more...]

Was My Chronic Pain, Fatigue, Fibromyalgia Cured with a Pair Of Shoes? NO!

Depression ICD-9 296.3, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ICD-9 780.71, Fibromyalgia ICD-9 729.1 Tips For Better Health Ask the doctor, Dr. James Stoxen DC Weather you have aggravated myofascial trigger points in the legs, sciatic nerve problems, a tight iliotibial band (ITB) or even cracking knees, it will not be cured with a pair of shoes. I personally had Chronic Muscle Pain, Painful Arthritis, Stress and Fatigue, Fibromyalgia disease and lower back pain.  This was all at the age of 27. … [Read more...]


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