Video Tutorial #90 Obstacle Course, Combining Exercise Drills

Obstacle Course, Combining Exercise Drills This drill actually combines various exercise drills that move the body in different movement patterns such as: Side Shuffle Zig Zag Backward Cone Touches and Circle Runs excerpt taken from the book, 'How I Got My Wiggle Back', The drills concentrate on moving in multiple directions (side to side, zig-zagging, circles) to challenge spring suspension system muscles that often become weak because we don't vary our movement. We move … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #76 Bosu Ball Lateral Step

  Bosu Ball Lateral Step   As discussed in 'Video Tutorial #148 Bosu Ball Foot training',  was how to do one variation of a bosu ball exercise. In this video tutorial we will show you the 'Bosu Ball Lateral Step'. Step with your left foot and cross over in front of you onto the bosu ball making sure you are landing forefoot or midfoot. Step onto the ball with your right foot then once again cross over with your left foot but this time behind and have it land … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #136 Double Leg Cone Jump or hop

  Double Leg Cone Jumps  excerpt taken from the book, 'How I Got My Wiggle Back', bend at your knees before dropping into a squat. Explode out of the squat upward and to the side. make sure you land midfoot and forefoot. Don't let the heel touch the ground until you come to a stop. Instructions: Start at the side of an object or cone which you are able to jump over. Jump to the side and land with knees bent. As soon as you land jump back over to the other side. Continue … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #167 Side Shuffle

  excerpt from the book, 'How I Got My Wiggle Back', page 170, Stand with your feet slightly wider than a shoulder-width apart and bend your arms at the side. Slide the left foot forward to the right, then step to the right with the right foot. Keep your shoulders over your knees. Change speed and direction for fresh challenges. Repeat 3 times, then reverse, leading with left foot. Spring Action: This drill develops spring in all levels Special Tip: You can add speed and … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #137 Why Plyometric Jumping Or Impact Exercises Increase The Level Of Human Performance In Athletes and YOU too!

  Below, is an example of the way athletes are trained in by plyometric box jumping. Resisting the impact to make the spring mechanism stronger. Not many doctors would recommend this to their patients because one might think that impact is going to be damaging to the joints of a patient. The impact is only damaging to the joints of the patient if we don't have a an intact spring mechanism. THAT IS THE DIFFERENCE In this case he is jumping down with the force of the … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #133 Circle Walk, Jog, Run And Sprint

    Modern society has removed the twists and turns out of our daily life. We walk on sidewalks, roadsides, hallways and treadmills. We no longer have as much uneven terrain to stimulate the receptors, which help with the balance of strength in the sides of our foot stabilizers. This exercise is excellent for redeveloping the muscles, which have atrophied due to a lack of use. An exercise you can do to strengthen the spring suspension system muscles is Circle … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #179, 45 Degree Zig-Zag Hop, Jump Or Run

    There are various variations of the 45 Degree Zig-Zag Hop. The video above shows the 45 degree zig-zag cone touch hop   Warm up and stretch beforehand. Challenge the kids to time trials (don't be surprised if they beat you - they already have fully intact, supercharged springs). excerpt from the book, ‘How I Got My Wiggle Back’, page 169 Zig-Zag Run Between cones or markers spread about three feet apart, run in a zig-zag pattern, always leaning in … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #178 High Skip – Vertical And Horizontal

High Skip - Vertical And Horizontal Excerpt from the book, 'How I Got My Wiggle Back' page 169, As you skip rhythmically, concentrate o lifting each leg, bent at the knee at the highest possible point. Use your arms to pump through the routine. When the leg lifts, the right arm should lead and vice versa. When you're doing a vertical skip don't think about speed, concentrate on height. A horizontal skip switches that priority (think speed, not height) … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #144 Double Leg Side Hop

    This exercise supercharges spring strength and spring power in the adductor and abductor muscles of the lower body. Double Leg Side Hop Start at the side of an object which you are able to jump over. Jump to the side and land with knees bent. As soon as you land jump back over to the other side. Continue jumping back and forth until you get fatigued and or loose form. This exercise can be done barefoot or shod. Use your arms for balance and … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #152 Ricochet Box Jump

    This exercise develops the foot, it's arch and ankle with a twisting motion. Controlled performance is a must. This exercise will help you with your foot, arch and ankle to gain stability, agility and coordination with activities of living and your performance in sports.     … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #151 Lateral Cone Jumps

Lateral Cone Jumps Taken from excerpt from the book, 'how I got my wiggle back' From side to side jump over three or four markers (cones) keeping your legs together and throwing your arms upward. Strive for maximum height and concentrate on landing midfoot or forefoot. Don't rest between jumps. Form is so important while performing any of these exercises. Have you ever seen those heroic scenes of elite marathon runners willing themselves over the finishing line? In some of the … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial # 142 Improve Your Jumping Ability And Supercharge The Human Spring With Speed Bounds

Here’s an example of impact exercises that are performed to be able to maximize the spring strength for jumping. They are called speed bounds. You definitely need an intact human spring mechanism to do these training drills. As you can see in the video he’s jumping on 1 foot and throwing his body into very high velocity jumps or bounds. In these jumps he can put an impact of between 5 to 10 times the bodyweight. So if this man weighs 180 pounds the impact force is close to 1500 … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #150 8-Point Step, Lunge, Hop or Bound

      excerpt from the book, ‘How I Got My Wiggle Back’, page 170 8-Point Step, Lunge, Hop or Bound Set up four cones or markers in a row. Between each two, identify eight different spots. Stand between the cones and jump to and from the spots in front, behind, and to the side of you. Land on your midfoot, not your heels.   … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial # 143 What I Learned From Studying Javier Sotomeyer Technique About Improved Performance and Reducing Injury Risk

We can learn a great deal from studying what athletes do to have optimum performance to improve our performance and prevent injury in our lives.  I have learned that plyometric training is one way to develop maximum jumping capacity and to strengthen the Human Spring. It may sound like the latest action film, but controlled impact and maximum power are the aims of a training technique called plyometrics. Yuri Verkhoshansky is the founder of modern human spring training, called … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #147 Single Leg Hop

  The lateral lunge is a spring strengthening exercise because the body doesn’t leave the ground. In the impact version, the single leg hop, the body leaves the ground as a hop or jump. That is the difference between spring strengthening and spring supercharging, the impact into the human spring mechanism. excerpt from the book, ‘How I Got My Wiggle Back’, page 170 Single Leg  Hop Stand with your feet about a shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees before … [Read more...]


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