Shin Splints - ICD-9 844.9 Shin Splints - Self Help Tips, Treatment and Prevention From The Barefoot Running Doctor at Team Doctors Tips For Better Health Ask the doctor, Dr James Stoxen DC In this article is everything you ever wanted to know about shin splints and more! Shin Splits ICD-9 844.9 are one of the most common causes of overuse leg injuries are also known as medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS), soleus syndrome, tibial stress syndrome, periostitis, exercise induced leg … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #5 Anthony Field’s Recovery – The Key to his Suffering was Found in the Gait Evaluation
The Human Spring is integrated into the movement pattern therefore it's built into the engineering. When the spring locks it alters the movement pattern and it gets in the way of the healing process. If you are having trouble getting relief from a herniated disc or back pain and you're wondering why it's maybe because your focus is only on the back. You need to look at the entire kinematic chain and check the elastic recoil mechanisms or what I call the human spring function. One day the tour … [Read more...]