Dr. James Stoxen DC of Chicago IL and Dr. Amir Majidi Dc of Ontario Canada April 29, 2012 at a park Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #201 Can You Pass The Foot Ankle Toe Raise Alignment Test? (Posterior View)
Dr. James Stoxen DC of Chicago IL, USA and Dr. Amir Majidi Dc of Toronto, Ontario, Canada April 29, 2012 at a park Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Today I am going to help you evaluate if your Human Spring Suspension System muscles are weak by doing the Foot and Ankle Alignment Test. Dr. Amir Majidi Dc from Toronto, Canada, my research assistant will be demonstrating for you how to execute the test. This is the sister test to the Foot-Ankle Toe Raise Alignment Test … [Read more...]
13 Time MMA World Champion Shonie Carter Demonstrates Insane Hanging Abb Routine At Team Doctors
You don't have to have a flabby stomach or weak abdominal muscles....... Weak Abbs can cause your Human Spring to lock and cause back pain....... Pain is not fun!!! Having strong sexy Abbs? That can be fun!!! You can train your abdominal muscles and achieve those rock hard abbs. Watch 13 time world MMA Champion, Shonie Carter train his abbs and strengthen his Human Spring at Team Doctors in the video below: Watch Anthony Field Training his abbs … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #196 ‘Getting Fit At The Playground Series’ The Hanging Abdominal Split, Demonstrated By Dr. John Petrozzi DC, Spotted By Dr. James Stoxen DC
Dr. James Stoxen DC of Chicago IL and Dr. John Petrozzi Dc of Leichhardt NSW Australia April 29, 2012 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Challenge your abdominal muscles with a hanging abdominal split exercise This is an exercise you can do with your kids. It's great you take your kids to the park but why not get involved in do some of the Playground Series exercises while your there. Not only will you have fun with your kids you will also be getting in shape!!! In the video … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #137 Why Plyometric Jumping Or Impact Exercises Increase The Level Of Human Performance In Athletes and YOU too!
Below, is an example of the way athletes are trained in by plyometric box jumping. Resisting the impact to make the spring mechanism stronger. Not many doctors would recommend this to their patients because one might think that impact is going to be damaging to the joints of a patient. The impact is only damaging to the joints of the patient if we don't have a an intact spring mechanism. THAT IS THE DIFFERENCE In this case he is jumping down with the force of the … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #179, 45 Degree Zig-Zag Hop, Jump Or Run
There are various variations of the 45 Degree Zig-Zag Hop. The video above shows the 45 degree zig-zag cone touch hop Warm up and stretch beforehand. Challenge the kids to time trials (don't be surprised if they beat you - they already have fully intact, supercharged springs). excerpt from the book, ‘How I Got My Wiggle Back’, page 169 Zig-Zag Run Between cones or markers spread about three feet apart, run in a zig-zag pattern, always leaning in … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #178 High Skip – Vertical And Horizontal
High Skip - Vertical And Horizontal Excerpt from the book, 'How I Got My Wiggle Back' page 169, As you skip rhythmically, concentrate o lifting each leg, bent at the knee at the highest possible point. Use your arms to pump through the routine. When the leg lifts, the right arm should lead and vice versa. When you're doing a vertical skip don't think about speed, concentrate on height. A horizontal skip switches that priority (think speed, not height) … [Read more...]