What I Learned from the Strongest Man in the World, Ed Coan. In 1986, I graduated from National Chiropractic College, (National University Health Sciences, formerly National College of Chiropractic). a year and a half early at 24 years of age. I was one of the youngest graduates in the college. In fact my father recommended that I grow facial hair as I did not look old enough to be a doctor. My very first patient was Ed Coan. I thought that something/someone greater was … [Read more...]
The Ed Coan Story – What I Learned from the Strongest Man in the World
Chicago Tribune: “He’s 5 Foot 7 and 215 Pounds and There`s No One Stronger”, by Bill Hageman
"He's 5 Foot 7 and, 215 Pounds, And There's No One Stronger" by Bill Hageman December 20, 1987 To read the orignal article, click here Picture the world's strongest man. A huge guy, right? Standing 6 feet 6 inches, maybe 6-7, weighing maybe 340, 350 pounds, glowering at his competition, growling, snarling. Nasty. Now meet the world's strongest man: Ed Coan of Evergreen Park, who is nothing like you'd expect. Coan, 24, won the champion of champions title last month … [Read more...]
Chicago Tribune: “Lifter Puts His Power Behind Commitment” with Dr. James Stoxen DC and Ed Coan
Chicago Tribune: "Lifter Puts His Power Behind Commitment" with Dr. James Stoxen DC and Ed Coan by Linda Young July 28, 1986 To read the original article, click here He had barely reached his 16th birthday, but Ed Coan's mind was made up. He was going to become a body builder. That decision, however, was made before Coan entered his first contest. … [Read more...]