What’s Your “Excuse for Not Exercising” This Time? By Dr James Stoxen DC Original Article: http://www.cyberboxingzone.com/news/archives/00000654.htm I hated every minute of the training, but I said, "Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion." -- Muhammad Ali We all know that you need to make every boxing-training session and do some cross training a few times a week to stay on top. But it’s a challenge. It can even be disheartening when we … [Read more...]
Anthony Field on the Today Show Discussing Dr Stoxens Approach
Anthony Field on the TODAY on MSN, Channel 9 (Australia's landmark breakfast program) Wednesday, February 29, 2012 click here to watch the entire interview … [Read more...]
The Ed Coan Story – What I Learned from the Strongest Man in the World
What I Learned from the Strongest Man in the World, Ed Coan. In 1986, I graduated from National Chiropractic College, (National University Health Sciences, formerly National College of Chiropractic). a year and a half early at 24 years of age. I was one of the youngest graduates in the college. In fact my father recommended that I grow facial hair as I did not look old enough to be a doctor. My very first patient was Ed Coan. I thought that something/someone greater was … [Read more...]
Wiggling Back Into Shape In The Sudbury Star
Wiggling Back Into Shape The Sudbury Star Written by: Cary Castagna, QMI Agency Aug 15, 2011 Eight years ago, Anthony Field was doing a lot less wiggling and a lot more jiggling. Field, a founding member of the enormously popular Australian children's group, The Wiggles, admits he had let himself get out of shape. "I just couldn't keep up with the show", he tells QMI Agency, noting he was sluggish, overweight and suffered chronic back pain. "I used to go backstage and … [Read more...]