人体弹簧系统可保护人体免受冲击伤害。如果该弹簧系统发生僵化,身体组织所要承受的冲击力会大大增加,从而发生炎症与严重损伤。此类情况若发生在膝盖部位,我们即称之为髌骨软化 膝盖疼痛或软骨撕裂,若发生在足骨或胫骨,则称之为应力性骨折。我在临床实验中发现,多数因跑步受伤,罹患足底筋膜炎、胫纤维炎、足跟痛、“跑步膝”、髋痛、髂胫束综合症与椎间盘脱出等病症的人,其弹簧系统都无法有效吸收外界冲击力。 CLICK HERE TO SEE THE LECTURE ON THE ORIGINAL SITE. _________________________________________________________________________________________ [介绍] … [Read more...]
Lecture Video and Notes for Walk and Run For Life! Through Lever Mechanisms or Spring Mechanisms? (Chinese) presented at the The 2012 Shanghai World Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine
10 Weeks to a Younger You
10 Weeks to A Younger You July 18, 2012 written by contributing author, Jeff Behar My Best Health Portal, click here to view original article Who does not want to look younger than their chronological age as the age? The following anti aging protocol can help you start reversing the signs of aging in as little as 10 weeks! Anti-aging Protocol - 10 Weeks to A Younger You! It's Simple - Do step 1 on week 1; step 1 and 2 on week 2; step 1, 2 and 3 on week 3 and so … [Read more...]
Running Throughout Middle Age Shown To Reduce Risk Of Disability In Later Life
Running Throughout Middle Age Shown To Reduce Risk Of Disability In Later Life March 8, 2011 written by contributing author, Jeff Behar My Best Health Portal, click here to view original article The researchers surveyed 284 members of a nationwide running club and 156 healthy controls who were recruited from university faculty andstaff. All participants were age 50 or older when the study began in 1984. They completed a mailed questionnaire annually through 2005, providing … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #68 The Exercise Your Doing Could Be Aging You Faster!
Is it true that exercise could accelerate the aging process? Of course! Exercise is ONLY healthy if your body is moving the way it was engineered to move. Would you take your car for a 10 hour trip if your front end was out of alignment?’ NO! Would you lift weights knowing that your form and technique could lead to stress and strain of your joints causing arthritis over time? No! So by telling your patients that you should exercise as a form of anti-aging … [Read more...]
PRESENTATION ABSTRACT: THE INFLAMMATION-DEPRESSION CONNECTION AND PROGRESSIVE PREVENTION, 9th Annual Malaysian Conference And Exhibition On Anti-Aging, Aesthetic And Regenerative Medicine 2012
Presentation Abstract Title: The Inflammation-Depression Connection And Progressive Prevention To be presented at the 9th Malaysian Conference and Exhibition on Anti-Aging, Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine and 2nd International Congress on Anti-Aging, Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 27 – 29, 2012 By Dr. James Stoxen DC President, Team Doctors, Treatment and Training Center Chicago 6430 ½ South Pulaski Chicago, Il 60629 Abstract Depression … [Read more...]
Dr. James Stoxen DC, Invited To Lecture At The 2012, 9th Malaysian Conference And Exhibition On Anti-Aging, Aesthetic And Regenerative Medicine And The 2nd International Conference On Anti-Aging, Aesthetic And Regenerative Medicine
Depression ICD-9 296.3 Dr James Stoxen DC, Invited To Lecture At: The 9th Malaysian Conference and Exhibition on Anti-Aging, Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine and 2nd International Congress on Anti-Aging, Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia April 27 - 29, 2012 Conference Official Web Site Dr Stoxen's topic is: The Depression Inflammation Connection and Aging Speakers included in the conference are: DR ROBERT GOLDMAN, M.D., Ph,D., D.O., … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #37 Aches, Pains, Allergies, Fatigue, Brain Fog, Diseases of Aging Have One Common Thread… INFLAMMATION
Depression ICD-9 296.3, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ICD-9 780.71, Fibromyalgia ICD-9 729.1 The scientific community has found a connection between high chronic levels of Inflammation to the diseases of aging like heart disease and other diseases.... My first exposure to the connection between inflammation and diseases was in the paradise island of Bali Indonesia in 2005. No, I did not get inflamed skin from sun burn laying at the beach. I wish! It was in a lecture hall at a medical … [Read more...]
Dr James Stoxen DC, Lectures At The 2012 Shanghai World Congress On Anti-Aging Medicine And Regenerative Biomedical Technologies Expo (A4MC) October 18-20
Dr James Stoxen DC lectures at: The 2012 Shanghai World Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine and Regenerative Biomedical Technologies Expo (A4MC) October 18-20,2012 Location: Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center No. 1099, Guozhan Rd., Shanghai, China, 200126 Dr Stoxen's two lectures are: 'The New Aggressive Approaches To Disconnecting The Inflammation-Depression Connection', to view the abstract, click here 'Walk and Run For Life! Through … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #8 Important Functions Of The Human Spring Mechanism To Recycle Energy From Impacts Enhancing The Efficiency Of Movement
The Human Spring Theory says that: The human spring stores mechanical potential energy therefore it is an efficiency mechanism The human spring absorbs forces of landings therefore it is a protective mechanism the human spring allows the foot to land on uneven surfaces adjusting the body mechanics to the terrain. The human spring is integrated into the biomechanics therefore it is essential for stress/strain free motion Weakness or locking of the spring can lead … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #1 – The Human Spring Approach And It’s Place In Anti-Aging Medicine
Video Tutorial #1 The Human Spring Approach and It's Place in Anti-Aging Medicine By: Dr James Stoxen DC presented at: The 8th Malaysian Conference and Exhibition on Anti-Aging, Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine April 30, 2011 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia How does the Human Spring Approach align with the field of Anti-aging Medicine or progressive preventive medicine? Anti-aging medicine is the EARLIEST detection, allowing the earliest and most effective intervention and prevention of … [Read more...]
Presentation Abstract: Olympic Level Sports Biomechanics: The Future of Anti-aging Medicine
Presentation Abstract: Olympic Level Sports Biomechanics: The Future of Anti-aging Medicine The Dubai Congress on Anti-Aging & Aesthetic Medicine in Dubai, UAE, 2008 Anti-aging Medicine as defined by the American Academy of Anti-aging Medicine as the earliest detection, intervention and prevention of age related diseases. The current standard of care only requires doctors to do evaluations of patients musculoskeletal systems when the patients present with signs and symptoms. In … [Read more...]
PRESENTATION ABSTRACT: Olympic Level Biomechanics – The Future of Anti-aging Medicine, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2009
Presentation Abstract Title: Olympic Level Biomechanics - The Future of Anti-aging Medicine Presented by Dr. James Stoxen DC To be presented at the The A4M Brazil Workshop on Anti-aging Medicine August 14th and 15th, 2009, Sao Paulo, Brazil Anti-aging Medicine as defined by the American Academy of Anti-aging Medicine as the earliest detection, intervention and prevention of age related diseases. The current standard of care only requires … [Read more...]