Is Running Bad For Your Knees? How Does The Body Spring Back Safely From Impacts Of Running and Walking? Running and walking involve impact with the ground. Doctors and scientists currently believe the body resists impacts as a lever mechanism. Hmmmmm I guess I should beleive it. Its in the book! The lessons taught in medical schools, medical books and scientific papers about how the body works and how it breaks down, though based on modern medical constructs, just didn't add … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #87 Dr James Stoxen DC Demonstrates Self-Help Deep Tissue Of The Ankle Mortise
When your Human Spring is released then the forces are loaded deep into the spring. This means: You get maximum loading maximum protection maximum energy for efficiency The body is a giant spring with 7 floors of springs: The arch The subtalar joint The ankle mortise The knee The hip The spine The head-neck Today we are going to release the third floor which is the ankle mortise. This is where the ankle bone or the edge of the distal edge of the … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #82 Dr James Stoxen DC Demonstrates Self-Help Deep Tissue Treatment Under The Big Toe And Second Toe
Most of the weight is felt over the Big toe and the second toe. The force or mass of the Human Spring impacts these two areas the greatest. Today we will focus on the Big toe and the second toe. See Below the Deep Tissue Point: click here to go to the next self help top video tutorial #83 Like this article? We will send the next one to you. Register for our updates below: Disclaimer All content on, including without limitation text, … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #81 Dr James Stoxen DC Demonstrates How To Self-Help Deep Tissue Treatment Of The Ankle (Subtalar Joint Outside)
The subtalar joint (STJ) is also known as the talocalcaneal joint. In explaining subtalar joint anatomy, it is located at in the rearfoot. The subtalar ankle joint is comprised of the calcaneus (heel bone) and the talus, the bone that sits above it. Also known as the talocalcaneal joint, the subtalar joint is actually three separate articulations between the two bones. The subtalar joint makes up the foundation of our body so if there is a problem with joint movement,, ankle … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #80 Dr James Stoxen DC Demonstrates How To Self-Help Deep Tissue Treatment Of The Ankle (Subtalar Joint Inside)
The subtalar joint (STJ) is also known as the talocalcaneal joint. In explaining subtalar joint anatomy, it is located at in the rearfoot. The subtalar ankle joint is comprised of the calcaneus (heel bone) and the talus, the bone that sits above it. Also known as the talocalcaneal joint, the subtalar joint is actually three separate articulations between the two bones. The subtalar joint makes up the foundation of our body so if there is a problem with joint movement,, ankle joint … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #79 Dr James Stoxen DC Demonstrates Self-Help, Deep Tissue Treatment Of The Gluteus Medius Muscle of the Hip
One of the most common injuries or cause of injuries in runners that I see is Gluteus Medius weakness, resulting in the gluteus medius muscle becoming strained, tightened and/or leading to a specific Gluteus Medius injury or compensatory injuries down the kinetic chain such as knee joint pain, foot pain and ankle pain. Releasing and Strengthening this important stabilizer will help decrease running or walking overuse injuries. Releasing and Strengthening the Human Spring is one of the more … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #78 Dr James Stoxen DC Demonstrates Self-Help, Deep Tissue Treatment Of The Knee Popliteus Muscle
Are your knees swollen or do you haven chronic knee pain ? Do you have patella groove pain or infra patellar pain? What I have found in treating patients with pain in the knee is that the knee inflammation and intense knee pain could be caused by a locking of the Human Spring. In the video below I will demonstrate and explain how to release the knee Popliteus Muscle. Today i'm going to share with you how to release the popliteus muscle or the knee. The muscle … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #8 Important Functions Of The Human Spring Mechanism To Recycle Energy From Impacts Enhancing The Efficiency Of Movement
The Human Spring Theory says that: The human spring stores mechanical potential energy therefore it is an efficiency mechanism The human spring absorbs forces of landings therefore it is a protective mechanism the human spring allows the foot to land on uneven surfaces adjusting the body mechanics to the terrain. The human spring is integrated into the biomechanics therefore it is essential for stress/strain free motion Weakness or locking of the spring can lead … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #4 The Impact Resistance Mechanism (Human Spring)
Video Tutorial #4 The Human Spring Approach-Bridging The Gap Between What Athletes Need And What Doctors Can Deliver By: Dr James Stoxen DC Presented At: The 2nd Annual Bangkok Congress On Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, Bangkok, Thailand, September 4, 2010 Let's say you have 30 women in an aerobics class and 15 of them break down with plantar fascitis, knee pain, hip or back pain. They quit and go to the doctor. The doctor commonly says jumping classes are bad for you. He/She … [Read more...]
PRESENTATION ABSTRACT: Run For Life! Barefoot, The Second World Anti-Aging Medical Conference, Mexico City, Mexico 2011
Presentation Abstract: Title: Run For Life! Barefoot Presented by Dr. James Stoxen DC To be presented at The Second World Anti-Aging Medical Conference February 4th-6th 2011 Mexico City, Mexico Running, as decades of studies have shown, is one of the best ways for your patients to put distance between themselves and the aging process. The medical quandary though has been determining when, … [Read more...]