Power Point Notes for Walk and Run For Life! Through Lever Mechanisms Or Spring Mechanisms? June 27-29, 2013 at The International Busan Anti Aging Expo 8th Busan Active Aging Conference in Asia Pacific (ACAP) at The Bexo Convention Hall Busan, Korea Watch above as Dr. Stoxen Lectures at the International Busan Anti Aging Expo 2013 Walk and Run For Life! Through Lever Mechanisms or Spring Mechanisms? 삶을 위한 걷기와 달리기!지렛대 기제 또는 용수철 … [Read more...]
Lecture Video and Power Point Notes for ‘Walk and Run For Life! Through Lever Mechanisms Or Spring Mechanisms?’ Melbourne, Australia, August 19, 2012
Lecture Video and Power Point Notes for Walk and Run For Life! Through Lever Mechanisms Or Spring Mechanisms? Melbourne, Australia, August 19, 2012 at The 6th Annual A5M Conference In Anti-Aging & Aesthetic Medicine Running, as decades of studies have shown, is one of the best ways for your patients to put distance between themselves and the aging process. The medical quandary, though, has been determining for mature patients when the physical demands of running … [Read more...]
Lecture Video and Notes for Walk and Run For Life! Through Lever Mechanisms or Spring Mechanisms? (Chinese) presented at the The 2012 Shanghai World Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine
人体弹簧系统可保护人体免受冲击伤害。如果该弹簧系统发生僵化,身体组织所要承受的冲击力会大大增加,从而发生炎症与严重损伤。此类情况若发生在膝盖部位,我们即称之为髌骨软化 膝盖疼痛或软骨撕裂,若发生在足骨或胫骨,则称之为应力性骨折。我在临床实验中发现,多数因跑步受伤,罹患足底筋膜炎、胫纤维炎、足跟痛、“跑步膝”、髋痛、髂胫束综合症与椎间盘脱出等病症的人,其弹簧系统都无法有效吸收外界冲击力。 CLICK HERE TO SEE THE LECTURE ON THE ORIGINAL SITE. _________________________________________________________________________________________ [介绍] … [Read more...]
Lecture Video and Notes for Walk and Run For Life! Through Lever Mechanisms or Spring Mechanisms? (English) Presented at The 2012 Shanghai World Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine
Walk and Run For Life! Through Lever Mechanisms or Spring Mechanisms? This lecture was presented by Dr. James Stoxen DC at the The World Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine and Regenerative Biomedical Technologies Expo, Shanghai, China October 18, 2012 CLICK HERE TO SEE THE LECTURE ON THE ORIGINAL SITE. Summary of the human spring model and approach.... The lessons taught in medical schools, medical books and scientific papers about how the body works and how it breaks down, … [Read more...]
Presentation Abstract: Walk and Run For Life via Lever Mechanisms or Spring Mechanisms? World Congress On Anti-Aging Medicine And Regenerative Biomedical Technologies Expo (A4MC) Shanghai, China, October 18-20, 2012
Title: Walk and Run For Life! Through Lever Mechanisms or Spring Mechanisms? To be presented at: The World Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine and Regenerative Biomedical Technologies Expo Date:Oct.18-20th, 2012 Address: Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center 1099 Guo Zhan Road, Shanghai, China, 200126 By Dr James Stoxen DC The Human Spring Model is Plyometric Training and Barefoot Running vs The Human Lever Model, Resistance Training and Shod Running … [Read more...]
PRESENTATION ABSTRACT: Walk and Run For Life! Through Lever Mechanisms Or Spring Mechanisms? To Be Presented At The 6th Annual A5M Conference, Melbourne, Australia, August 18-19, 2012
Presentation Abstract Title: Walk and Run For Life! Through Lever Mechanisms Or Spring Mechanisms? To be presented at The 6th Annual A5M Conference In Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine Melbourne, Australia, A5M, Website click here August 18-19, 2012 By Dr. James Stoxen DC President, Team Doctors, Treatment and Training Center Abstract Running, as decades of studies have shown, is one of the best ways for your patients to put distance between themselves and … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial # 154 Barefoot or Shod? Which one is better? The debate!
My presentation is titled 'Run For Life, Barefoot' because the shoe industry is promoting the various different high-tech implements and the adjustments to the human foot. The foot is perfect when we’re born and they’re making these claims that wearing their shoes will make you a better runner, it is safer and you will be able to run a for a lifetime. They market the shoes as some sort of anti-aging device or something that will allow you to prevent injuries. In reality 30 … [Read more...]
LECTURE ABSTRACT: RUN SAFELY FOR LIFE! BAREFOOT or SHOD New more effective approaches of evaluating and restoring the human spring mechanism, IVO Congress, Sydney, Australia, 2011
Lecture Abstract Title: RUN SAFELY FOR LIFE! BAREFOOT or SHOD - New more effective approaches of evaluating and restoring the human spring mechanism Presented by Dr. James Stoxen DC To be presented for review and consideration to lecture at the IVO Congress March 29th, 30th, and 31st, 2012, Sydney, Australia Overview/Introduction I chose the subject of barefoot running and the human spring model of biomechanics because running barefoot demands near perfect impact resistance … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #7 The Four Primary Functions Of The Human Spring Mechanism
What is it the Human Spring Mechanism and the theory behind it? 1. What the theory says is that the human spring stores mechanical energy therefore it is an efficiency mechanism. A spring is a structure that deforms its physical shape. During that formation process that spring stores potential energy. Then it reforms back to its EXACT original shape and releases the energy back into the mechanism. Think about a spring when you squeeze it down it stores energy and when you let it go that … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #6 Important Functions Of The Human Spring Mechanism, To Protect The Body From Impact Forces
The functions of The Human Spring: The Human Spring recycles energy through the spring mechanism The Human Spring is a protective mechanism The Second important function of the Human Spring is that is absorbs the forces of the landings. Therefore it is a protective mechanism that protects you from the impacts. Kids fall down and cry for a minute and then get up and run around like nothing ever happened. When we as adults fall down sometimes we have a hard time getting up. We … [Read more...]
PRESS RELEASE: Run For Life, Barefoot – 8th Malaysian Conference and Exhibition on Anti-Aging 2011
PRESS RELEASE: Run For Life, Barefoot Want to slow the aging process? Walk and even run barefoot. Internationally renown lecturer and celebrity chiropractic physician Dr. James Stoxen ACA has some invaluable advice: take off your shoes when you run! Chicago-based Dr. Stoxen, also known as the Barefoot Running Doctor, will focus on detailing how footwear accelerates the aging process when he addresses the 8th Malaysian Conference and Exhibition on Anti-Aging, Aesthetic and Regenerative … [Read more...]