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Heel Spurs – Self Help Tips, Treatment and Prevention From The Barefoot Running Doctor at Team Doctors
Heel Pain ICD-9 719.47 Heel Spur ICD-9 726.73 Heel Spurs – Self Help Tips, Treatment and Prevention From The Barefoot Running Doctor at Team Doctors Tips For Better Health Ask the doctor, Dr. James Stoxen DC In this article is everything you ever wanted to know about Heel Spurs and more! Do you think you have a Heel Spur because you have Heel Pain? Does a heel spur even cause heel pain? Maybe the pain your having is plantar fasciitis? What is a Heel Spur, Foot Spur or Calcaneal Spur? A Heel Spur ICD-9 726.73 is a pointed bony outgrowth of the bone of the heel (the calcaneus bone). They are attributed to chronic local inflammation at the insertion of soft tissue tendons or fascia in the area. Heel spurs can be located at the back of the heel or under the heel, beneath the sole of the foot. Heel spurs can occur alone or be related to underlying diseases that cause arthritis (inflammation of the joints), such as reactive arthritis (formerly called Reiter's … [Read More...]

Morton’s Neuroma – Self Help Tips, Treatment and Prevention From The Barefoot Running Doctor at Team Doctors
Morton’s Metatarsalgia ICD-9 355.6 Morton’s Neuroma - Self Help Tips, Treatment and Prevention From The Barefoot Running Doctor at Team Doctors Tips For Better Health Ask the doctor, Dr. James Stoxen DC In this article is everything you ever wanted to know about Morton’s neuroma and more! Is your foot hurting? Do you have tingling in the feet or burning feet? Do you have foot aches and do you have toe numbness? The “Morton’s Metatarsalgia ICD-9 355.6” (pain between the toes) was first observed in 1835 by Filippo Civinini (1805-1844) (1) Morton’s neuroma is a common cause of metatarsal swelling and pain - on the bottom of the foot that radiates from between the third and fourth metatarsals, which may cause extreme pain and disability. Morton’s neuroma, also known as Mortons toe, is one of the most common disorders encountered in the foot (2) and a common cause of metatarsalgia or pain between the third and fourth toes. (3) Although Morton neuroma … [Read More...]

Shin Splints – Self Help Tips, Treatment and Prevention From The Barefoot Running Doctor at Team Doctors
Shin Splints - ICD-9 844.9 Shin Splints - Self Help Tips, Treatment and Prevention From The Barefoot Running Doctor at Team Doctors Tips For Better Health Ask the doctor, Dr James Stoxen DC In this article is everything you ever wanted to know about shin splints and more! Shin Splits ICD-9 844.9 are one of the most common causes of overuse leg injuries are also known as medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS), soleus syndrome, tibial stress syndrome, periostitis, exercise induced leg pain and chronic exertional compartment syndrome. (1) Some say shinsplints when it is really shin splints. I have even seen it spelled chin splints which should be reserved for boxing. ha ha What are shin splints? People come in with sore shins or pain in the shins, which is described as pain along the inner (medial) edge of the shin bone of the leg. Some complain of shin pain, inner (medial) calf and shin pain. Shin splints are achy pain areas that occur with during or after … [Read More...]

THORACIC OUTLET SYNDROME-Self Help Tips, Treatment and Prevention From Dr James Stoxen DC – BOOK – NINE/TEN CHAPTERS FREE
You are reading Preface - Introduction - The Sonny Burke Story Thoracic Outlet Syndrome ICD-9 353.0 Tips For Better Health Ask the doctor, Dr James Stoxen DC Table of Contents Preface Introduction The Sonny Burke Story Chapter I What is Thoracic Outlet Syndrome? (TOS) Chapter II Anatomy Chapter III The TOS Controversy Chapter IV History, Cause, and Patient Presentations Chapter V Physical Examination Findings Chapter VI Diagnostic Tests Chapter VII Standard of Care Approaches - Surgical and Non-Surgical Chapter VIII Frequently Asked Questions Chapter IX Case Histories of Patients Chapter X The Human Spring Approach to Treatment and Prevention Buy Now Preface Patients come from around the world for treatment for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome by Dr. James Stoxen DC at Team Doctors. The results are not predicated on visits with our approach. The results come with how many hours Dr Stoxen spends … [Read More...]

Video Tutorial #205 Barefoot-Arch Stretches in Malaysia
Dr. James Stoxen DC of Chicago IL and Dr. Amir Majidi Dc of Ontario Canada April 29, 2012 at a park Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia … [Read More...]

Video Tutorial #204 Calf Raises
A lot of us do a lot of leg work to develop our lower body muscles, but completely forget about the calves (or neglect them for fear they'll get bulky). Calf Raises develop flexibility and strength in the ankle joint and calf. Calf raises are a method of exercising the gastrocnemius, tibialis posterior and soleus muscles of the lower leg. The movement performed is plantar flexion, aka ankle extension. Calf raises will also help with blood circulation which is especially helpful during pregnancy. Restless legs syndrome, poor circulation and cramp in the calf muscles are all quite common in pregnancy, due to high levels of hormones running around your system. These hormones affect blood flow, and it’s common for the blood to pool in your lower extremities eg your calves and feet. Calf raises can help ease these symptoms, if you are suffering, as what they’ll do is aid what’s called “venous return”, which simply means returning blood from your legs, back up to your … [Read More...]

Video Tutorial #203 The Foot Supination To Pronation Roll-Press Exercise
The Foot Supination to Pronation Roll-Press Exercise is A great exercise for those who stand a lot. It can also help with the prevention of foot injuries, foot cramps, ball of toe pain, plantar fasciitis and foot arch pain as well. Doing this exercise might also help with preventing a sprained foot, twisted ankle and/or a broken ankle. This ankle exercise is similar to the foot exercise you do for the recovery and rehabilitation of a sprained ankle. Therefore it will help speed up ankle sprain recovery as well as prevention. Weather you have ankle pain from running, foot pain from standing or recovering from an ankle sprain, this foot and ankle exercise in this post will increase the health of your foot. If you are like me and forced to stand a lot at work then I recommend you do this foot and ankle supination to pronation roll press exercise for many reasons: It will help keep the 33 joints of your feet moving It will help strengthen your … [Read More...]

Video Tutorial #11 – Training The Stabilizing Muscles that Improve Running Walking and Efficiency and How Joe Weider Provided the Insight
In 1993, I was appointed to the editorial advisory board for 'muscle and fitness' magazine, by Mr. Joe Wieder himself. I’ll never forget that phone call. “Dr. Stoxen, I really like your articles! and I would like to know if you would like to be on my editorial advisory board for my magazine.” Joe Weider 1993 Of course, you know I thought that this was a prank by some friend of mine. I hung up the phone and went back to treating patients. About an hour later I got to thinking that the prankster didn't call me back laughing yet. Could that have been Joe Weider? I hope not... because I kinda blew him off. You know how you think when you think you goofed. A couple months later I got my muscle and fitness magazine in the mail. There I was... listed on the editorial advisory board. Ill never forget my reaction..... UGH! Holy crap! It waaaas him! All I could think about for months was how I blew him off. Joe Wieder was my idol at the … [Read More...]

Video Tutorial #14 My 8 Secrets To Improving Walking and Running Efficiency through Maximizing Human Spring
My 8 Secrets To Improving Walking and Running Efficiency through Maximizing Human Spring Tips For Better Health Ask the doctor, Dr James Stoxen DC There are many causes of fatigue symptoms and reduced walking and running efficiency... During walking and running we burn most of our energy from muscle fatigue. So, if inefficiency in walking and running is an important cause of fatigue, then a logical first step to diagnosis fatigue would be to evaluate the reason why we could be burning too much energy so that we could arrive at a more precise fatigue diagnosis. When you go to the doctor complaining that you are always tired with muscle pain, fatigue and body aches, most doctors just do blood tests as the only fatigue test. When they come out negative, they wonder why they cannot find the cause of your fatigue and exhaustion. This article is important for you if you seem to be always tired but: want to increase your fatigue limit and have more natural energy. … [Read More...]

Video Tutorial #202 When my feet hurt.. I did this pressure point and got relief.
MY FEET HURT! Tips For Better Health Ask the doctor, Dr James Stoxen DC I remember standing on my feet all day 14 - 16 hours a day for 135 days in a row on one of those runs when I was getting calls from so many big name entertainers that I could not say, NO! But I ended up with sore toes, pain on the bottom of the foot pain on the side of the foot. Lets just say my feet were in pain! I also remember I had pain in the big toe like a turf toe. I did this deep tissue treatment for my foot so I could get pain relief from aching foot pain. Are you asking yourself, Do I have to go to a pain center and get pain killers?" Do I do foot exercises? Maybe. Maybe not if you can work out the spasms around the toe. I don't know what your condition is but this is what I do for my big toe. Here is some deep tissue self - help pressure points for the big toe. Just remember if it does not help you may have to go to a foot specialist. Dr. James Stoxen DC of Chicago … [Read More...]

Video Tutorial #28 Self-Tests & Exercises To Reduce Over Pronation and Over Supination From Impacts During Walking and Running
Exercise has long shown to improve health but not all exercise is healthy. Some doctors think just exercise alone without regard to what the exercise does is good enough. Wrong! Exercise such as running and even simple walking with over pronation or over supination can actually do you more harm than good. Also, exercise of any kind with a locked spring puts you at risk for injury and theoretically causes stress, strain, wear, tear and inflammation of the area of locked spring and the floors above. I feel it is the responsibility of the medical profession and the fitness profession to detail out when its safe for exercise and when it is not. To read more about how the exercise your doing can actually age you then click here Im going to teach you what muscles support the spring mechanism, how you can prevent or train yourself out of an over pronated or over supination gait so your foot and ankle can land in the safe range between supination to … [Read More...]

Video Tutorial #201 Can You Pass The Foot Ankle Toe Raise Alignment Test? (Posterior View)
Dr. James Stoxen DC of Chicago IL, USA and Dr. Amir Majidi Dc of Toronto, Ontario, Canada April 29, 2012 at a park Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Today I am going to help you evaluate if your Human Spring Suspension System muscles are weak by doing the Foot and Ankle Alignment Test. Dr. Amir Majidi Dc from Toronto, Canada, my research assistant will be demonstrating for you how to execute the test. This is the sister test to the Foot-Ankle Toe Raise Alignment Test (Front) Video Tutorial #200 Can You Pass The Foot Ankle Toe Raise Alignment Test? (Front View) The Foot Ankle Alignment Test (Anterior) and (Posterior) are two of the tests in Anthony Field's book, How I Got My Wiggle back. You can get the book from Amazon.com or purchase it at your local bookstore. Yes, I did these tests on Anthony Field and... he failed both tests miserably! So don't be discouraged because if you read the book you will find: Field, the creator and a founding … [Read More...]

Video Tutorial #12 Is Running Bad For Your Knees? How Does The Body Spring Back Safely From Impacts Of Running and Walking?
Is Running Bad For Your Knees? How Does The Body Spring Back Safely From Impacts Of Running and Walking? Running and walking involve impact with the ground. Doctors and scientists currently believe the body resists impacts as a lever mechanism. Hmmmmm I guess I should beleive it. Its in the book! The lessons taught in medical schools, medical books and scientific papers about how the body works and how it breaks down, though based on modern medical constructs, just didn't add up. There were just too many unexplained mysteries that perplexed doctors and scientists and left patients feeling hopeless, frustrated and in a chronic state of pain and suffering. I began to see the human form through a whole new lens. My mother always said if something doesn’t make sense, keep asking questions until you find the answers. A Radical Change In Perspective How can lever mechanisms, spring back impact forces of walking and running? The answer is that levers cannot … [Read More...]

Video Tutorial #200 Can You Pass The Foot Ankle Toe Raise Alignment Test? (Front View)
Dr. James Stoxen DC of Chicago IL, USA and April 29, 2012 at a park Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Today I am going to help you evaluate if your Human Spring Suspension System muscles are weak by doing the Foot and Ankle Alignment Test. This is the sister test to the Foot-Ankle Toe Raise Alignment Test (Posterior) The Foot Ankle Alignment Test (Front) and (posterior) are two tests in Anthony Field's book, How I Got My Wiggle back. You can get the book from Amazon.com or purchase it at your local bookstore. Yes, I did these tests on Anthony Field and... he failed both tests miserably! So don't be discouraged because if you read the book you will find: Field, the creator and a founding member of the world’s most successful musical groups for young children, The Wiggles, was handicapped by chronic pain, chronic, chronic fatigue, misdiagnosed fibromyalgia and depression during his 20 years on the road. I am proud to say, I was able to assist him. It covers our consultation … [Read More...]

Cracking Achy Knee Pain or Chondromalacia Patella – Treatment and Prevention Tips from The Barefoot Running Doctor
Chondromalacia Patella ICD-9 733.92 What is chondromalacia patella? Athletes and trainers call it runners or jumpers knee. Non-athletes call it cracking knees. Doctors call it chondromalacia patella. It has many names which confuse people. Some people even split up the word as chondro malacia patella but it should be chondromalacia patella. chondromalacia patella or CMP, sometimes called anterior knee pain; patellofemoral pain syndrome; patellar tendinitis; patellar tracking dysfunction; patella femoral syndrome; tendonitis of the knee; patellar dysfunction; patellofemoral arthralgia and chondromalacia patellae, is the softening and breakdown of the tissue (cartilage) that lines the underside of the kneecap (patella). People come into Team Doctors and say "My knee hurts" or "I have a swollen knee, a bad knee, achy knees or bad knees." Patients ask questions like: Why is my knee sore and especially pain behind, under or below the knee cap? Why … [Read More...]

Stress Fracture Of the Second Metatarsal – Self Help Tips to Treatment and Prevention from The Barefoot Running Doctor
Stress Fracture (2nd Metatarsal) ICD-9 829.0 Stress Fracture Of the Second Metatarsal - Self Help Tips to Treatment and Prevention from The Barefoot Running Doctor Tips For Better Health Ask the doctor, Dr James Stoxen DC With an increase in public interest in physical fitness, clinical practitioners are diagnosing stress fractures of the foot or metatarsal stress fractures with greater frequency. First described by Aristotle in 200 BC, stress fractures were initially recorded in the medical literature in 1855 by the Prussian military physician Breithaupt, who described what is now known as a march fracture, or stress fracture of the metatarsals. The most common position for a metatarsal fracture is a second metatarsal fracture, especially in those whose second toe is longer than their big toe. It is also more common in those who overpronate with the first metatarsal in a dorsiflexed position as this places greater load on the 2nd metatarsal. What is a stress … [Read More...]

Video Tutorial # 195 “Getting Fit At The Playground” Series: The Hanging Abdominal Raise With Pike Demonstrated By Dr. John Petrozzi DC, Spotted By Dr. James Stoxen DC
Dr. James Stoxen DC of Chicago IL and Dr. John Petrozzi Dc of Leichhardt NSW Australia April 29, 2012 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Challenge your abdominal muscles with a hanging abdominal raise with pike exercise In this video tutorial I introduce to you Dr. John Petrozzi DC who is also the principal of Petrozzi Wellness Centre which is located in Leichardt, Australia. Dr. Petrozzi also assists the children’s entertainment group ‘The Wiggles’ and other people with high public profiles. To learn more about Dr. John Petrozzi DC and Petrozzi Wellness Centre, click here. Today we are going to demonstrate a hanging abdominal raise with pike routine. This is one of Anthony Fields, frontman for the 'Wiggles', famous routines that he did to get himself into super fit shape. You can read about it in his book, 'How I Got My Wiggle Back' which you can pick up in Australia, US, UK and Canada. You can also order it from the Amazon site by clicking here. This … [Read More...]

Video Tutorial #97 On Your Feet All Day? Fatigued? Achy? Over Pronation? I Recommend Footwear with Extended Medial Counters
Today i'm going to talk about shoes, specifically counters. A counter will help you stabilize or maintain your heel in a safe range in the rolling from supination to pronation. When your foot lands on the ground it starts on the outside and it rolls to the inside and springs off. If it starts too far to the outside then it could cause twisting of the leg. If it rolls too far to the inside then it could also cause twisting of the leg. Neither one is good. Twisting of the leg is not good, especially when the average person takes 10,000 steps a day or 3.6 million steps per year. What combats this is a group of muscles that I call 'The Spring Suspension System Muscles." These muscles are located on the side of the foot going up. So when the foot lands on the ground these muscles gage the rolling and they don't allow your foot to roll over too far they hold the foot from over rolling. (the tibialis posterior and the tibialis anterior … [Read More...]

Video Tutorial # 99 What Is The Best Way To Lace Your Shoes?
Today i'm going to talk about how to lace a shoe. That might sound kind of strange because most of them are already laced when you get them. You might think the company laces them correctly when you get them but that is not always true. I have a tricky way of lacing shoes that will make them fit perfectly, snug and make the shoe a better support mechanism when you need it. What we have here is a Drew shoe and it has a lacing system that starts over the top. When you lace the shoe from over the top it doesn't allow the leather strapping mechanism to come together so easy when you go over the top on the first lacing. 1. What I do is change that and from the start lace the shoe from underneath. (pictured above) So the first lacing and all of the lacing come from underneath and over. 2. The second thing you might notice is an option or a loop on the top of the shoe. I recommend that you never, ever put that lace through that loop. The … [Read More...]

Video Tutorial #174 Barefoot Running? What If I Step On Something?
Dr James Stoxen DC shares and demonstrates Video Tutorial #174 What If I Step On Something? part 1 Coco Cay, Bahamas November 9, 2011 As the barefoot running doctor one of the first things people ask me is: Aren't you worried about stepping on something? such as: a piece of glass? a rock? a syringe? (crazy as if there are syringes all over the place?) When you are running with shoes on you don't have to worry so much about stepping on those things but when you are running without shoes on it becomes an extra variable in the running equation. This can be better because it adds another dimension to your run which is called: Agility Coordination and Balance! When you are running with shoes on you become less aware of your running. Listening to nature or your ipod ect. Becoming less aware of your environment because you have the shoes to protect you. When you are running barefoot you might see that there are rocks on the … [Read More...]

Video Tutorial # 143 What I Learned From Studying Javier Sotomeyer Technique About Improved Performance and Reducing Injury Risk
We can learn a great deal from studying what athletes do to have optimum performance to improve our performance and prevent injury in our lives. I have learned that plyometric training is one way to develop maximum jumping capacity and to strengthen the Human Spring. It may sound like the latest action film, but controlled impact and maximum power are the aims of a training technique called plyometrics. Yuri Verkhoshansky is the founder of modern human spring training, called plyometrics. Also known as jump training, plyometrics involves stretching the muscles prior to contracting them. This type of training, when used safely and effectively, strengthens muscles, increases vertical jump and decreases impact forces on the joints. Plyometric drills or plyometric exercises, consist of fast, powerful movements performed in rapid sequence. The intent of plyometric training was (and still is) to develop the elastic recoil within the body (the human spring mechanism) by employing high … [Read More...]

Video Tutorial #169 How To Land Your Foot When Walking, Running And Barefoot Running
The next tip I'm going to share with you is the correct way to land your foot. The body is the mass and the speed of which we are running is the acceleration. The force of the landing is how the mass engages with the human spring. There are three ways your foot can land your foot with your bodyweight and the relation of your spring mechanism: 1. The first way is when your mass is behind the spring. I call this a deceleration spring landing. It's also called 'breaking' in sports. When your mass is behind the human spring it can: a. come to a complete stop b. slow you down c. as it slows down and breaks the momentum carried you over the break. This is not the optimum way to use the mass to improve the spring action. 2. The second way is having the mass land directly over the spring. This is good to keep the stress and strain off of the human spring. Which leads to wear and tear and inflammation and eventually could lead to injury. The bounce is … [Read More...]

Video Tutorial #68 The Exercise Your Doing Could Be Aging You Faster!
Is it true that exercise could accelerate the aging process? Of course! Exercise is ONLY healthy if your body is moving the way it was engineered to move. Would you take your car for a 10 hour trip if your front end was out of alignment?’ NO! Would you lift weights knowing that your form and technique could lead to stress and strain of your joints causing arthritis over time? No! So by telling your patients that you should exercise as a form of anti-aging medicine it seems right, theoretically. However, if you have joint motions that are not consistent with the way the body is designed to move then you will have: Stress and Strain of Connective Tissue, Muscles, Joints and Bones Abnormal Wear of Delicate Cartilage Surface of Your Joints Micro-tears or Tears of the Connective Tissue, Ligaments, Tendons and Muscles Release of Inflammatory Chemicals Increased Inflammation can lead to Pain and Limited Activity Increased Inflammation is … [Read More...]

Video Tutorial #168 The ‘Controlled Fall’ Its Importance In Reducing Impact Force and Running Efficiency
Improving your running form and your running technique can help you run faster and run more efficiently. By learning the proper running form you will be able to reduce impact force adding less stress on your body and reduce the risk of injury. Some of these common running injuries include, plantar fasciitis, iliotibial band syndrome, or shin splits, heel pain and Plantar fasciitis. Proper running form is a very important component to every runner’s training plan. Body positioning at the beginning of running training, barefoot running, marathon training or casual running is a factor in increasing running efficiency, specifically; a forward lean. By leaning forward from the ankles, we can take advantage of gravity and the momentum created, allowing our bodies to fall forward in a controlled manor. The 'Controlled Fall' uses acceleration due to gravity therefore giving you a head start in running while maintaining proper running technique and control. Dr James … [Read More...]

In this video you will see an example of Human Spring at it's highest-level of athleticism. Bob Beamon broke the worlds record in the long jump and it stood for two decades!! Beamon set this world record for the long jump with a jump of 8.90 m (29 ft. 2½ in.), bettering the existing record by 55 cm (21¾ in.). When his teammate and coach Ralph Boston told him that he broke the world record by nearly 2 feet, an astonished Beamon collapsed to his knees and placed his hands over his face in shock. In one of the more enduring images of the games, his competitors then helped him to his feet. One journalist called Beamon "the man who saw lightning". Sports journalist Dick Schaap wrote a book about the leap, The Perfect Jump. Prior to Beamon’s jump, the world record had been broken thirteen times since 1901, with an average increase of 6 cm (2½ in) and the largest increase being 15 cm (6 in). Beamon's record stood for 23 years. This is one of the greatest … [Read More...]

Video Tutorial # 159 – Foot Lock! What You Get From Standing Too Long And How To Prevent It
I have been standing in these shoes all day! My Feet Hurt! Maybe the pain will go away....... Those are six very dangerous words, maybe the pain will go away.... An activity as simple as standing all day can lead to pain in your feet. So you need to know how to protect your feet when you're stuck standing for hours on end, especially on a hard surface. Besides the stress of prolonged standing, the architecture of the foot can also increase the symptoms from pre-existing conditions: Plantar fasciitis refers to the inflammation of the fascia under the heel. Flat or tilted feet (from heel pronation) and bony spurs in the base of the ankle may make the condition worse. Achilles tendonitis results from over stretching of the Achilles tendon. Bunions at the side of the big toe may arise because of heel pronation and may be aggravated by narrow shoe boxes (the area in front of the shoe) and prolonged standing. Corns on top of the toes may be aggravated by scraping against … [Read More...]

Video Tutorial #37 Aches, Pains, Allergies, Fatigue, Brain Fog, Diseases of Aging Have One Common Thread… INFLAMMATION
Depression ICD-9 296.3, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ICD-9 780.71, Fibromyalgia ICD-9 729.1 The scientific community has found a connection between high chronic levels of Inflammation to the diseases of aging like heart disease and other diseases.... My first exposure to the connection between inflammation and diseases was in the paradise island of Bali Indonesia in 2005. No, I did not get inflamed skin from sun burn laying at the beach. I wish! It was in a lecture hall at a medical conference. While lecturing in Indonesia in 2005, I attended a lecture given by Dr. Bill Anton who discussed the connection between chronic inflammation and the diseases of aging such as heart disease. It was that experience that inspired me to write this book because I had an “A-ha!” moment: Chronic Inflammation comes from: Your Diet - The food you eat. (even if it's natural or unprocessed) What you breath in. (pollution, sprays, allergens, ect.) What you touch Injuries … [Read More...]

Video Tutorial #157a What Is Foot Pronation And Foot Supination? Is It Good Or Bad?
Over Pronation ICD-9 781.99 What Is Foot Pronation And Foot Supination? Is It Good Or Bad? Tips For Better Health Ask the doctor, Dr. James Stoxen DC You go to your doctor and they say, "Your feet pronate too much or over pronate." Im sure that is what someone said to you which prompted you to google this article. There are many ways to describe over pronation but the way I describe it is when the foot rolls outside a range I call the safe range between rolling from the outside of the foot to the inside of the foot. This is what many call over pronation, excessive pronation, hyper pronation or sometimes called fallen arches. Have you been told by your doctor that you have flat feet? Or do your feet supinate too much which is called over supination or excessive supination? Pronation vs supination, which one is good or bad for you? and Why? If you look at the biomechanical functions of the foot, during the normal gait cycle (walking cycle) the foot can … [Read More...]

“When Exercise Accelerates Aging!” By Dr. James Stoxen DC
When Exercise Accelerates Aging Dr James Stoxen DC October 19, 2007 In preparation for Dr. Stoxen's appearance on WGN Channel 9 for special medical report This special news report will feature Dr James Stoxen, D.C., President of Team Doctors, Chiropractic Treatment and Training Centers. Dr. Stoxen will talk about how mainstream research has confirmed that inflammation accelerates aging. Now, a growing number of experts believe as a result, in some cases, exercise also speeds the aging process. Dr. James Stoxen's Team Doctors patients, Cindy Pender and "Designed To Sell" (HGTV) host Belma Michael Johnson were interviewed by WGN News about their success stories related to slowing the aging process through a unique treatment and training program developed by Dr. Stoxen. "How Some Exercise can Speed up the Aging Process" is the lecture subject Dr. James Stoxen has been asked to present to over 20,000 physician attendees at the China FDA, China-Pharm … [Read More...]

The Ed Coan Story – What I Learned from the Strongest Man in the World
What I Learned from the Strongest Man in the World, Ed Coan. In 1986, I graduated from National Chiropractic College, (National University Health Sciences, formerly National College of Chiropractic). a year and a half early at 24 years of age. I was one of the youngest graduates in the college. In fact my father recommended that I grow facial hair as I did not look old enough to be a doctor. My very first patient was Ed Coan. I thought that something/someone greater was taking care of me because when someone gets into the medical field to do sports medicine and the first patient that walks in the door is pound for pound the strongest man in the world, someone must have been looking out for me. Ed Coan had been described at that time "the greatest powerlifter in powerlifting history" and the "powerlifting equivalent of Michael Jordan." At the time he held all the world records for powerlifting. The powerlifting records were split between the APF, American … [Read More...]

Why Do I Run Barefoot…
Dr Stoxen, How Did You Discover the Human Spring Model and Why Do You Run Barefoot? When I first opened my practice, I wanted to be able to heal people and, at the same time, train sports champions. I went on a personal and professional mission not to only build a complete knowledge of the human body - the way we move and why - but to uncover the secrets of elite performance. My first decade in practice, I volunteered to treat athletes at every possible sports event, including 50 national and international championships. I traveled to the former Soviet Union to study plyometrics and plyometric training (high impact training drills that enhance the effects of traditional resistance exercises). I also observed elite track and road training as well as competitions around the world. The athletes benefited from the on - site treatments and at the same time I was learning the secrets of how to achieve elite level performance from the best doctors, coaches and athletes … [Read More...]

I Have Heel Pain. Should I Give Up On Barefoot Running?
Heel Pain ICD-9 719.47 Heel Spur ICD-9 726.73 I Have Heel Pain. Should I Give Up On Barefoot Running? Tips For Better Health Ask the doctor, Dr. James Stoxen DC Whatever your level of running, regular racing, fitness running, or occasional jogging, aches and pains are a part of the sport. While aches and pains should never be ignored, some are more significant than others because they signify chronic running injury. The most commonly injured areas include the arch and heel region, lower leg, knee, Achilles tendon, and forefoot. Running injuries are usually caused by muscle overuse, faulty biomechanics, and lack of flexibility. Pain in the heel or pain in the arch area can often lead to plantar fascitis, or heel spur syndrome. This is an inflammation of a fibrous band of tissue, which stretches from the heel to the toes. There may be pain in the morning, pain after rest, and pain after running; the worst is pain when you wake up and pain at the start of a … [Read More...]

The Race To Repair Injuries UFC Andrei Arlovski Endured On The Rough Road To Win The UFC Heavyweight Champion Title
Who's Got Arlovski's Back? Repost from - The MMA Digest click here to read Original Article: Ever wonder who some of the people on the long list of fighters thank-yous after their fights are? Some of the trainers you will know but there are many other people that help out in getting fighters in tip top shape for their fights that you never really get a glimpse of. After Andrei Arlovski finished off Justin Eilers at UFC 53 you heard him thank all his trainers and supporters, but also Dr. James Stoxen DC, his chiropractor out of Chicago. A man he’s been working with for over 6 years. The sport of mixed martial arts is so highly competitive that the advantage of having a chiropractor to get your frame in peak condition is a great asset. Arlovski was fortunate to hook up with Stoxen when he first arrived on the North American scene. “Andrei was assigned to me by his manager when he first here to the United States from Belarus”, explains Stoxen. “They gave me one … [Read More...]
Two unnecessary TOS surgeries left my son in severe pain for 7 yrs. One week later hes pain free!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUlRB-BssGQ … [Read More...]
This Concert Pianist got Relief from Thoracic Outlet Syndrome and Forearm Compartment Syndrome
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DHbvjaXGtc&t=197s … [Read More...]
SEVERE Thoracic Outlet Syndrome & fibromyalgia 37 yrs relieved in 7 days – no TOS surgery no drugs
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MA5i-MJPQj4&t=105s … [Read More...]

Dr James Stoxen DC Spends A Day With Anthony Field And The Wiggles at the Rosemont Theatre
Dr James Stoxen DC spends a day with Anthony Field and The Wiggles at The Rosemont Theatre, Chicago IL September 22, 2013 The world’s most popular children’s entertainment group, The Wiggles, came to the Rosemont Theatre, Chicago to introduce their new Wiggles lineup. Last year was the final tour for the original Wiggles (Greg, Jeff, Murray and Anthony) Anthony decided to stay on and form a new team introducing Simon (Red), Emma (Yellow) and Lachy (Purple) to a new generation of fans. Dr Stoxen has worked with The Wiggles every year they have come through Chicago since 2004. It was a great day as they reminisced the past 9 years. Dr Stoxen gave Anthony and the gang a preview of his upcoming book, "The Human Spring Breakthrough Solution to Thoracic Outlet Syndrome" Dr Stoxen showed them his new therapeutic vibrating massager, The MassageAssist®. Of course he did not hesitate to tune up the cast and crew. In fact, … [Read More...]

Lecture Video and Power Point Notes for Walk and Run For Life! Through Lever Mechanisms or Spring Mechanisms? (English/Korean) Presented At The International Busan Anti Aging Expo 2013
Power Point Notes for Walk and Run For Life! Through Lever Mechanisms Or Spring Mechanisms? June 27-29, 2013 at The International Busan Anti Aging Expo 8th Busan Active Aging Conference in Asia Pacific (ACAP) at The Bexo Convention Hall Busan, Korea Watch above as Dr. Stoxen Lectures at the International Busan Anti Aging Expo 2013 Walk and Run For Life! Through Lever Mechanisms or Spring Mechanisms? 삶을 위한 걷기와 달리기!지렛대 기제 또는 용수철 기제? The Human Spring Model is Plyometric Training and Barefoot Running vs The Human Lever Model, Resistance Training and Shod Running 인간 용수철 모델 (플리오메트릭 훈련 및 맨발 달리기) vs. 인간 지렛대 모델(저항 훈련 및 착신 달리기) Why the Human Spring Model and Approach is best for an Anti-aging Doctor 인간 용수철 모델 및 접근법이 항노화 의사에게 최선인 이유 제임스 스톡슨 박사, 척추 신경 전문의 (Dr. James Stoxen DC) Bedridden to Barefoot 병상에서 맨발로 젊음 되찾기 Barefoot - No Supports Footwear - 4 Supports Motion Control - 4 … [Read More...]

Dr. James Stoxen DC Invited To Lecture At The 12th Asia Pacific Conference & Expo On Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine in Bali, Indonesia on October 18-20 2013
Dr James Stoxen DC will lecture at A4M World - Asia 12th Asia Pacific Conference and Expo on Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine on October 18-20 2013 Mantra Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia To visit the conference website, click here Conference theme, “Aging, Diabesity & CVD” Anti-Aging medicine is a medical specialty founded on the application of advanced scientific and medical technologies for the early detection, prevention, treatment and reversal of age-related dysfunction, disorders and diseases. It is a healthcare model promoting innovative science and research to prolong the healthy lifespan in humans. Highlights Include Practicalities of Anti-Aging Medicine Intervention, Nutrition & Exercise Medicine Endocrinology of Aging Aesthetic Wellness Weight Management Bio Identical Hormone Replacement Therapies Cosmetic Dermatology Retreat and Clinical Workshop Board Certification … [Read More...]

Dr. James Stoxen DC Will Lecture At The 5th International Congress on Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medicine In Bangkok Thailand, September 6-8, 2013
Dr. James Stoxen DC, will be lecturing at The 2013 5th International Congress on Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medicine (BCAARM) September 6-8, 2013 Bangkok Convention Centre at CentralWorld 999/99 Rama 1 Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330, Thailand To visit the conference website, click here LIFETIME by A4M aims to be the aggregator of all aspects and disciplines pertaining to services that one would need in a lifetime to optimize longevity and vitality by the aid of recent advanced technologies, education of detection, prevention, and treatment of age-related diseases, promoting research into methods to retard and optimize the human aging process. This is an opportunity for participants, who work in the related field to broaden their knowledge, exchange their experiences and also share their points of view with other participants and our valuable invited speakers from different countries. We also expect aesthetic and anti-aging practitioners to … [Read More...]

FREE BOOK THORACIC OUTLET SYNDROME – Chapter X Self Help Treatment For Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Table of Contents Preface Introduction The Sonny Burke Story Chapter I What is Thoracic Outlet Syndrome? (TOS) Chapter II Anatomy Chapter III The TOS Controversy Chapter IV History, Cause, and Patient Presentations Chapter V Physical Examination Findings Chapter VI Diagnostic Tests Chapter VII Standard of Care Approaches - Surgical and Non-Surgical Chapter VIII Frequently Asked Questions Chapter IX Case Histories of Patients Chapter X The Human Spring Approach to Treatment and Prevention Buy Now Chapter X The Human Spring Approach to Treatment and Prevention This chapter includes the self-help tips, which incorporate diet, exercises, and tips to avoid the cause. This is included in the complete e-book, "The Human Spring Breakthrough Solution To Thoracic Outlet Syndrome". All of the keys to proper examination, treatment, and prevention of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome are found in the latest … [Read More...]

Table of Contents Preface Introduction The Sonny Burke Story Chapter I What is Thoracic Outlet Syndrome? (TOS) Chapter II Anatomy Chapter III The TOS Controversy Chapter IV History, Cause, and Patient Presentations Chapter V Physical Examination Findings Chapter VI Diagnostic Tests Chapter VII Standard of Care Approaches - Surgical and Non-Surgical Chapter VIII Frequently Asked Questions Chapter IX Case Histories of Patients Chapter X The Human Spring Approach to Treatment and Prevention Buy Now Chapter IX Case History Of Patients With Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Here are some interesting ways I determined the cause of a patients recurring tos from their habits 1. The Music Legend - Sonny Burke I was working for Steely Dan backstage one night when one of the musicians brought his friend to me and asked for my help. He said he suspected his friend had a serious problem when he couldnt get a … [Read More...]

FREE BOOK THORACIC OUTLET SYNDROME – Chapter VIII – Frequently Asked Questions
Table of Contents Preface Introduction The Sonny Burke Story Chapter I What is Thoracic Outlet Syndrome? (TOS) Chapter II Anatomy Chapter III The TOS Controversy Chapter IV History, Cause, and Patient Presentations Chapter V Physical Examination Findings Chapter VI Diagnostic Tests Chapter VII Standard of Care Approaches - Surgical and Non-Surgical Chapter VIII Frequently Asked Questions Chapter IX Case Histories of Patients Chapter X The Human Spring Approach to Treatment and Prevention Buy Now Chapter VIII Frequently Asked Questions About TOS Why isn't first rib manipulation in literature? In my studies of the over 300 articles I read and studied very carefully, I do not find one mention of this factor in the treatment of the patient. Not one mention of this position or how it affects the first ribs. 90% of these patients get first rib or cervical rib resection or scalenectomy. Nine out of ten are … [Read More...]