Video Tutorial #68 The Exercise Your Doing Could Be Aging You Faster!


Is it true that exercise could accelerate the aging process?

Of course!

Exercise is ONLY healthy if your body is moving the way it was engineered to move.

Would you take your car for a 10 hour trip if your front end was out of alignment?’


Would you lift weights knowing that your form and technique could lead to stress and strain of your joints causing arthritis over time?


So by telling your patients that you should exercise as a form of anti-aging medicine it seems right, theoretically.

However, if you have joint motions that are not consistent with the way the body is designed to move then you will have:

  • Stress and Strain of Connective Tissue, Muscles, Joints and Bones
  • Abnormal Wear of Delicate Cartilage Surface of Your Joints
  • Micro-tears or Tears of the Connective Tissue, Ligaments, Tendons and Muscles
  • Release of Inflammatory Chemicals
  • Increased Inflammation can lead to Pain and Limited Activity
  • Increased Inflammation is linked to an array of Diseases of Aging including Hardening of the Arteries, Heart Attack, Stroke, Fatigue, Loss of Spirit, Depression, Parkonsins Disease Alzheimers Disease, Diabetes etc
For a more comprehensive review of the effects of chronically high levels of inflammation please go to Video Tutorial #37 Aches, Pains, Allergies, Fatigue, Brain Fog, Diseases of Aging, have one common thread, INFLAMMATION


What causes abnormal movement patterns in exercise?

  1. Weakness of the muscles which guide the movement
  2. Poor form and technique or execution of the exercise
  3. Locking or restriction of motion of the joints from abnormal protective spasms
  4. Locking or restriction of motion of the joints from lack of joint play
  5. Exercising beyond fatigue where muscles are so depleted in strength that proper form is broken

Lever Mechanisms

There are lever mechanisms in the body that lift such as when you do a bicep curl.

Spring Mechanisms

There are spring mechanisms in the body which spring the mass off the ground such as when you are landing your foot in walking, running or performance of sports.

We are talking about spring mechanisms in this post.

Put simply, when you view the body as a giant spring, you understand that the spring mechanism protects you from impacts with the earth during walking, running or performance of sports and leisure activity.  Any weakness or locking of this protective, recycling mechanism can possibly lead to abnormal movement patterns during exercise causing an acceleration of the aging process.

We get improvements in circulation, ligament, tendon, and muscle strength in some areas but is it a healthy increase in strength that balances the supportive elements to allow for healthy stress and strain free motion?

That is the big question!

On average we take between 5000 and 15000 steps per day which at 10,000 steps adds up to of over 3,650,000 collisions with the earth per year or over 100 million collisions or impacts by your thirtieth birthday.

That is a lot of impacts!

When your doctor or trainer tells you to do more walking they are telling you to impact the earth more with your body.

Is your body’s spring mechanics strong enough to absorb impacts without causing abnormal movements?

That is important to know!

Do you need a support to be able to absorb these impacts?

Is your body’s spring suspension system strong enough to absorb these impacts without a artificial spring or cushion or do you need a shoe?

If you can walk, run or perform sports barefoot without any weakness leading to abnormal impacts causing abnormal movement patterns then you are set to exercise with less fear of actually aging.

If you need a cushioned shoe or orthotic to do these exercises then what the doctor is saying is that your spring mechanism has lost its ability to absorb these impacts safely without a protective supportive device assisting.

Did you ever think that when you cannot walk without a cane that you have lost the ability to do something you could do before?

Do I think that if you are unable to perform simple acts of walking and running without a protective and supported shoe a sign of weakness in the body?

Of course!

If you cannot do something that you used to be able to do as a child then you are losing your ability and that is the first sign of aging.

Is it abnormal aging?

If a 50 year old man’s body mechanics are strong and healthy enough to run barefoot on the worlds hardest surface without abnormal stress and strain leading to inflammation and or pain and you cannot then who is aging faster?

What aging do you want to compare yourself to?

What is normal aging?

As you know damage to your cars tires, its moving parts or your moving parts can happen over time.

If the foundation of your body is not moving the way it was engineered with foot stiffness or foot lock it can be a rough ride.

The most important area of the bodies spring mechanism is at its foundation of the body at the arch of foot.

Remember that there are six floors of muscles, bones, and interconnecting joints above that that stress and strain free motion is dependent on whether you have proper form and technique on the landing and loading of the mass into the spring mechanism.

Isn’t it interesting that even though this is such an important area of our body we put all kinds of devices on it to alter natural movement causing deformities and possibly permanent alterations of healthy mechanics for life.

We call those shoes.

Women are so health conscious yet they are more guilty of deforming this floor of their body than men.  Then after years of abnormal mechanics lead to accelerated aging of their bodies and systems they scramble for the latest and greatest (often expensive) “anti aging” remedies.

We all know the best way to avoid aging is prevention!

Should that lock, as is common, the rest of the body (the spring system) is compressed by muscle spasms triggered by the brain to protect us.

I have found clinically that these muscle spasms are fairly predictable according to the exact weakness or break in the form and technique of your walking pattern (gait).

When you have muscle spasms, there is compression of joints. That is because the muscle spasm is a contraction that brings the two bones closer together or moves the bones.

If the muscle contraction is on one side of a joint it moves the bone.

If the muscle spasm is on both sides of the joint it compresses the joint.

Try to contract your bicep and triceps (front and back of the arm muses) at the same time.  Feel the compression of the elbow.

This leads leading to abnormalities in movement, strain on muscles, joints and bones and wear and tear that promotes inflammation, the single biggest accelerant in aging. Inflammation can lead to aging of the bodies systems.

I’m advising you that you really should talk to your doctor about inflammation and if you think you are chronically inflamed there are blood tests to get a more accurate assessment of your levels of inflammation.

Abnormal compression of joints can cause wear and tear of the delicate cartilage surfaces leading to abnormal wear of these surfaces.

Who wants that?

This is especially important when we realize that we take around 100 million impacts into our bodies by our thirtieth birthday.

What that means is that even subtle abnormal movement patterns can add up to wear and tear by your later years.  We haven’t even got to the aging caused by the excess chronic inflammation.

Levels of Chronic Inflammation:

Phases of Inflammation

Levels of Arthritic Inflammation – The most accurate levels of testing for inflammation is a blood test.  (see bottom of post) If we don’t have access to a blood test, we have to qualify the inflammatory state of your body by way of your symptoms and signs from the examination.


Read this post, Video Tutorial #37 Aches, Pains, Allergies, Fatigue, Brain Fog, Diseases of Aging Have One Common Thread… INFLAMMATION

This is why it is so important to develop an approach to spring regeneration and the reestablishment of the spring suspension system is vital to a preventive medicine anti-aging lifestyle.

The human spring approach consists of releasing, strengthening and supercharging your natural spring mechanism to insure it is capable of springing your body off the ground with stress and strain free motion instead of banging your body into the ground causing accelerated aging.

Unfortunately, for millions, doctors advise exercise like walking without examining for a weakness or a locking of your human spring mechanism.

Once you start having pain from this walking exercise meant to make you healthier and slow aging you are advised to support your body with artificial supports rather than restoring the natural spring support mechanism you were born with.

By adding more supports instead of restoring the internal spring support mechanism you could be up for a lifetime of biomechanic evolution follows this path: barefoot play and running as a youth, to all-day shoes as teens and adults, then motion control footwear and/or orthotics when the spring suspension system weakens and the human spring locks. Next orthopedic shoes are medically necessary to walk pain free; preceding a cane, a walker and quite often a wheelchair and/or the prospect of being bedridden.

Barefoot To Bedridden path 

  • You Are Born Barefoot
  • I used to be able to run barefoot, when I was a kid.
  • I used to be able to run fast when I was younger.
  • I used to be able to run.
  • I used to be able to run without motion control shoes.
  • I used to be able to run without orthotics and motion control shoes.
  • I used to be able to walk without orthotics and orthopedic shoes.
  • I used to be able to walk without orthotics and orthopedic shoes and this cane 
  • I used to be able to walk without orthotics and orthopedic shoes and this four prong walker
  • I used to be able to walk but now I have this wheel chair
  • I’m bedridden.

Some of us die bedridden.

If you find that your health care professional keeps giving you supports without prescribing some restorative approach, or encouraging you to strive to regain your “ability” to do what you used to then ask  them to.

In order to be able to determine if exercise like walking or running is going to improve your health rather than cause degeneration of your joints, increased risk of a painful condition or injury the integrity of your human spring to effectively absorb these impacts the way it was designed must be examined.

If you go to and go to the blog category HUMAN SPRING SELF EXAMINATION you can learn how I examine the human spring for weakness, stiffness or locking.

Then if these self tests have revealed that you have a locked human spring mechanism you can go to the blog category, HUMAN SPRING RELEASE to learn self treatment approaches I have developed for you to release your human spring.

You can also go to the blog category HUMAN SPRING STRENGTHENING where you can learn how to strengthen your human spring to take impact forces of landing during walking.

After your human spring is stronger you the next step is to take gradual impact forces into your body or what I call HUMAN SPRING SUPERCHARGING.

There are a variety of drills I have added in this blog which may help you to supercharge your human spring to better prepare you to participate in leisure activities, competitive sports or more challenging aspects of improving your health.

I hope you can get on a path to reclaiming your youth by preparing your body for safe participation of barefoot walking and even barefoot running again like you did as a child.

If you would like a more accurate way to assess your levels of inflammation you can get blood tests for it.

  • C-reactive Protein
  • Arachidonic/Eicosapentanoic Acid Ratio
  • Interleukin-6 • Interleukin-10
  • Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha

This video tutorial was taken from the lecture:

Run For Life! Barefoot 
Presented by Dr James Stoxen DC
The 8th Annual Malaysian Conference And Exhibition On Anti-Aging, Aesthetic And Regenerative Medicine
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
April 30 — May 2, 2011



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