人体弹簧系统可保护人体免受冲击伤害。如果该弹簧系统发生僵化,身体组织所要承受的冲击力会大大增加,从而发生炎症与严重损伤。此类情况若发生在膝盖部位,我们即称之为髌骨软化 膝盖疼痛或软骨撕裂,若发生在足骨或胫骨,则称之为应力性骨折。我在临床实验中发现,多数因跑步受伤,罹患足底筋膜炎、胫纤维炎、足跟痛、“跑步膝”、髋痛、髂胫束综合症与椎间盘脱出等病症的人,其弹簧系统都无法有效吸收外界冲击力。 CLICK HERE TO SEE THE LECTURE ON THE ORIGINAL SITE. _________________________________________________________________________________________ [介绍] … [Read more...]
Lecture Video and Notes for Walk and Run For Life! Through Lever Mechanisms or Spring Mechanisms? (Chinese) presented at the The 2012 Shanghai World Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine
PRESS RELEASE: Dr. James Stoxen DC Is Inducted Into The Personal Trainers Hall Of Fame August 17-18 2012 Dallas Convention Center
PRESS RELEASE: Dr. James Stoxen DC Is Inducted Into The Personal Trainers Hall Of Fame, August 17-18 At The Dallas Convention Center. Dr. James Stoxen DC is inducted in the Inaugural Personal Trainers Hall of Fame at the Europa Supershow August 18th with legends, Ted Gambordella, Larry North, Dr. John Spencer Ellis and Scott Sonnon. According to Ted Gambordella, only 5 to 10 personal fitness trainers were considered for induction in the hall of fame per year. However, there … [Read more...]
RADIO INTERVIEW: Dr. James Stoxen DC Shares About ‘THE PAIN EXORCISM’, BFM 89.9 The Buisness Station, From Kuala Lumpur, May 25, 2012
Depression ICD-9 296.3 Radio Intervew Dr. James Stoxen DC is Interviewed by Meera Sivasothy from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia May 25, 2012 The Bigger Picture, Health and Living: with Meera Sivasothy Credited with helping the famous children entertainer, Anthony Field get his Wiggle back, Dr. James Stoxen is in the business of helping people with chronic pain issues deal with them through an intensive procedure known as pain exorcism. He tells us all about this, as well as why the human … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #137 Why Plyometric Jumping Or Impact Exercises Increase The Level Of Human Performance In Athletes and YOU too!
Below, is an example of the way athletes are trained in by plyometric box jumping. Resisting the impact to make the spring mechanism stronger. Not many doctors would recommend this to their patients because one might think that impact is going to be damaging to the joints of a patient. The impact is only damaging to the joints of the patient if we don't have a an intact spring mechanism. THAT IS THE DIFFERENCE In this case he is jumping down with the force of the … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial # 99 What Is The Best Way To Lace Your Shoes?
Today i'm going to talk about how to lace a shoe. That might sound kind of strange because most of them are already laced when you get them. You might think the company laces them correctly when you get them but that is not always true. I have a tricky way of lacing shoes that will make them fit perfectly, snug and make the shoe a better support mechanism when you need it. What we have here is a Drew shoe and it has a lacing system that starts over … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #179, 45 Degree Zig-Zag Hop, Jump Or Run
There are various variations of the 45 Degree Zig-Zag Hop. The video above shows the 45 degree zig-zag cone touch hop Warm up and stretch beforehand. Challenge the kids to time trials (don't be surprised if they beat you - they already have fully intact, supercharged springs). excerpt from the book, ‘How I Got My Wiggle Back’, page 169 Zig-Zag Run Between cones or markers spread about three feet apart, run in a zig-zag pattern, always leaning in … [Read more...]