The Inflammation-Depression Connection Approach and The Science Based Natural Approach to Depression

Depression ICD-9 296.3 The Inflammation-Depression Connection Approach and The Science Based Natural Approach to Depression News You may have seen all the media on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, The Today Show, and many others about how Wiggle front man, Anthony Field, one of many celebrities with depression and feelings of depression, that was handicapped by chronic pain, chronic fatigue, misdiagnosed fibromyalgia and clinical depressive disorder during his 20 years on the road.. Watch … [Read more...]

VIP Invitation: Stand In My Shoes Film Kickstarter Launch September 20, 2012 Hollywood, California

  Where: Hemingway's  Lounge 1st  Floor 6356 Hollywood Boulevard Hollywood, CA 90028 When: Thursday September 20th, 7PM RSVP! BY 18TH SEPTEMBER 2012 I'm happy to share with you a project I'm proud to be involved with: a new social change film project called Stand In My Shoes Directed by Kurt Engfehr (Bowling for Colombine, The Yes Men, Farenheit 9/11) about the "empathy deficit" in our culture, and how the world's most influential social entrepeneurs are out there using the … [Read more...]


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