人体弹簧系统可保护人体免受冲击伤害。如果该弹簧系统发生僵化,身体组织所要承受的冲击力会大大增加,从而发生炎症与严重损伤。此类情况若发生在膝盖部位,我们即称之为髌骨软化 膝盖疼痛或软骨撕裂,若发生在足骨或胫骨,则称之为应力性骨折。我在临床实验中发现,多数因跑步受伤,罹患足底筋膜炎、胫纤维炎、足跟痛、“跑步膝”、髋痛、髂胫束综合症与椎间盘脱出等病症的人,其弹簧系统都无法有效吸收外界冲击力。 CLICK HERE TO SEE THE LECTURE ON THE ORIGINAL SITE. _________________________________________________________________________________________ [介绍] … [Read more...]
Lecture Video and Notes for Walk and Run For Life! Through Lever Mechanisms or Spring Mechanisms? (Chinese) presented at the The 2012 Shanghai World Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine
Lecture Video and Notes for Walk and Run For Life! Through Lever Mechanisms or Spring Mechanisms? (English) Presented at The 2012 Shanghai World Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine

Walk and Run For Life! Through Lever Mechanisms or Spring Mechanisms? This lecture was presented by Dr. James Stoxen DC at the The World Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine and Regenerative Biomedical Technologies Expo, Shanghai, China October 18, 2012 CLICK HERE TO SEE THE LECTURE ON THE ORIGINAL SITE. Summary of the human spring model and approach.... The lessons taught in medical schools, medical books and scientific papers about how the body works and how it breaks down, … [Read more...]
Heavy Metal, Iron Maiden, Burning Feet in Warped Heat!

Heavy Metal, Iron Maiden, Burning Feet in Warped Heat? I woke up Wednesday morning July 4th, 2012 with a day off ....... It was a sweltering 103° degrees today after adding the heat index it was over 110° degrees!!! I got up at 11 a.m, did some errands and ventured out for my barefoot run. After 10 steps on that sizzling concrete I felt shots of burning pain into my soles like I stepped into a heavy metal sizzling skillet! Now I know what my friend Jaya J means when she says its … [Read more...]