Chondromalacia Patella ICD-9 733.92 Chondromalacia Patella / Cracking Knees or Runners Knee, Knee Cap Pain! Treatment and Prevention Tips from The Barefoot Running Doctor Tips For Better Health Ask the doctor, Dr James Stoxen DC Do you experience knee pain when running? Do you have knee pain when bending? Does your knees crack when going up the stairs? You may have what athletes call Runners Knee, what non-athletes call Cracking Knees and what doctors call, Chondromalacia … [Read more...]
Chondromalacia Patella / Cracking Knees or Runners Knee, Treatment and Prevention Tips from The Barefoot Running Doctor
Lecture Video and Notes for Walk and Run For Life! Through Lever Mechanisms or Spring Mechanisms? (English) Presented at The 2012 Shanghai World Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine

Walk and Run For Life! Through Lever Mechanisms or Spring Mechanisms? This lecture was presented by Dr. James Stoxen DC at the The World Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine and Regenerative Biomedical Technologies Expo, Shanghai, China October 18, 2012 CLICK HERE TO SEE THE LECTURE ON THE ORIGINAL SITE. Summary of the human spring model and approach.... The lessons taught in medical schools, medical books and scientific papers about how the body works and how it breaks down, … [Read more...]
Presentation Abstract: Walk and Run For Life via Lever Mechanisms or Spring Mechanisms? World Congress On Anti-Aging Medicine And Regenerative Biomedical Technologies Expo (A4MC) Shanghai, China, October 18-20, 2012

Title: Walk and Run For Life! Through Lever Mechanisms or Spring Mechanisms? To be presented at: The World Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine and Regenerative Biomedical Technologies Expo Date:Oct.18-20th, 2012 Address: Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center 1099 Guo Zhan Road, Shanghai, China, 200126 By Dr James Stoxen DC The Human Spring Model is Plyometric Training and Barefoot Running vs The Human Lever Model, Resistance Training and Shod Running … [Read more...]
Newspaper Article: “Going Barefoot, Not As Simple As It Looks” Adelaide Advertiser By Callie Watson

Going Barefoot Not As Simple As It Looks By Callie Watson Adelaide Advertiser Newspaper August 27, 2012 Adelaide Australia WE all did it as children, but for most of us, the older we get, the less appealing running barefoot becomes. But the trend towards walking and running sans shoes is gaining momentum as high-profile supporters encourage others to ditch their trainers. Among them is Dr James Stoxen, a US chiropractor who presented at the Australasian Academy of Anti- … [Read more...]
Barefoot Running Gets In Stride, By Nathan Klein The Daily Telegraph August 26, 2012

Barefoot running gets in stride Barefoot Running Gets In Stride by Nathan Klein The Daily Telegraph Sydney, Australia August 26, 2011 click here to view the link to the article IT'S the exercise phenomenon on track to be "bigger than bootcamps" - and you don't even have to buy shoes. Barefoot running is ditching its cult status and going mainstream. Long the domain of a select few believers who idolised the ethos spelled out in Christopher McDougall's best-seller Born … [Read more...]
Dr. James Stoxen’s Radio Interview On Mornings With Nick Rheinberger ABC 97.3 Illawarra

Dr. James Stoxen's Radio Interview On Mornings With Nick Rheinberger ABC 97.3 Illawarra 8/15/2012 Rheinberger mentions an interview last year with the blue Wiggle Anthony Field about his physical problems which was eventually diagnosed by Dr. James Stoxen from Chicago as a broken spring. Rheinberger is joined by Dr. Stoxen who is also known as 'The Barefoot Doctor' given one of his treatments advocating barefoot walking. Dr. Stoxen talks about what can be determined by looking … [Read more...]
Watch Dr. James Stoxen’s Interview On Weekend Breakfast ABC TV Channel 24 From Melbourne Australia

Dr. James Stoxen DC is interviewed on ABC TV Channel 24 On Weekend Breakfast from Melbourne, Australia on Barefoot Running and its Potential Health Benefits. The Segment Aired on 8/18/2012 It Was Hosted by Miriam Corowa and Andrew Geoghegan station link, click here Watch Dr. Stoxen's Interview with Miriam Corowa on Weekend Breakfast ABC TV Channel 24 above Team Doctors, Dr. James Stoxen DC has a background in sports medicine and believes barefoot running can have positive … [Read more...]
Is Running Bad For Your Knees? Article In Barefoot Running Magazine

Is Running Bad For Your Knees? By Dr. James Stoxen DC Barefoot Running Magazine Summer 2012, Issue 5 pages 24-27 In this issue of the Barefoot Running Magazine you will find plenty of new info, tips, treats and stories. Leigh Rogers takes us through the pros and cons of organic food in the ‘Nutritional Nugget’, Chris Hunt – Pilates expert – explains the benefits and complementary nature of Pilates for runners with some exercises for you to try at home and Dr James Stoxen writes … [Read more...]
Listen To Dr. Stoxen’s Interview On Afternoons With Richard Stubbs 774 ABC Radio Melbourne, Australia

Listen to the Podcast below: [podcast][/podcast] Dr. James Stoxen DC Radio Interview On Afternoons With Richard Stubbs 774 ABC Radio, Melbourne Dr James Stoxen is visiting Australia to lecture about The Inflammation-Depression Connection as well as Run For Life! Barefoot Or Shod? at The 6th Annual A5M Conference in Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine in Melbourne, Australia which takes place … [Read more...]
PRESENTATION ABSTRACT: Walk and Run For Life! Through Lever Mechanisms Or Spring Mechanisms? To Be Presented At The 6th Annual A5M Conference, Melbourne, Australia, August 18-19, 2012

Presentation Abstract Title: Walk and Run For Life! Through Lever Mechanisms Or Spring Mechanisms? To be presented at The 6th Annual A5M Conference In Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine Melbourne, Australia, A5M, Website click here August 18-19, 2012 By Dr. James Stoxen DC President, Team Doctors, Treatment and Training Center Abstract Running, as decades of studies have shown, is one of the best ways for your patients to put distance between themselves and … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #205 Barefoot-Arch Stretches in Malaysia

Dr. James Stoxen DC of Chicago IL and Dr. Amir Majidi Dc of Ontario Canada April 29, 2012 at a park Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #204 Calf Raises

A lot of us do a lot of leg work to develop our lower body muscles, but completely forget about the calves (or neglect them for fear they'll get bulky). Calf Raises develop flexibility and strength in the ankle joint and calf. Calf raises are a method of exercising the gastrocnemius, tibialis posterior and soleus muscles of the lower leg. The movement performed is plantar flexion, aka ankle extension. Calf raises will also help with blood circulation which is especially helpful … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #203 The Foot Supination To Pronation Roll-Press Exercise

The Foot Supination to Pronation Roll-Press Exercise is A great exercise for those who stand a lot. It can also help with the prevention of foot injuries, foot cramps, ball of toe pain, plantar fasciitis and foot arch pain as well. Doing this exercise might also help with preventing a sprained foot, twisted ankle and/or a broken ankle. This ankle exercise is similar to the foot exercise you do for the recovery and rehabilitation of a sprained ankle. Therefore it will help speed … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #11 – Training The Stabilizing Muscles that Improve Running Walking and Efficiency and How Joe Weider Provided the Insight

In 1993, I was appointed to the editorial advisory board for 'muscle and fitness' magazine, by Mr. Joe Wieder himself. I’ll never forget that phone call. “Dr. Stoxen, I really like your articles! and I would like to know if you would like to be on my editorial advisory board for my magazine.” Joe Weider 1993 Of course, you know I thought that this was a prank by some friend of mine. I hung up the phone and went back to treating patients. About an hour later I got to … [Read more...]
PRESS RELEASE: Dr. James Stoxen DC will lecture at the 6th Annual A5M Conference In Anti-Ageing & Aesthetic Medicine August 18th – 19th 2012 In Melbourne, Australia

Depression ICD-9 296.3 PRESS RELEASE: Dr. James Stoxen DC will lecture at the 6th Annual A5M Conference In Anti-Ageing & Aesthetic Medicine August 18th – 19th 2012 In Melbourne, Australia. Dr. James Stoxen DC has been asked give two presentations; 'The Inflammation-Depression Connection' and 'Run for Life! Barefoot or Shod?' to the medical physician delegates at the 6th Annual A5M Conference in Anti-Ageing & Aesthetic Medicine August 18th – 19th 2012 in Melbourne, … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #14 My 8 Secrets To Improving Walking and Running Efficiency through Maximizing Human Spring

My 8 Secrets To Improving Walking and Running Efficiency through Maximizing Human Spring Tips For Better Health Ask the doctor, Dr James Stoxen DC There are many causes of fatigue symptoms and reduced walking and running efficiency... During walking and running we burn most of our energy from muscle fatigue. So, if inefficiency in walking and running is an important cause of fatigue, then a logical first step to diagnosis fatigue would be to evaluate the reason why we could be … [Read more...]
Heavy Metal, Iron Maiden, Burning Feet in Warped Heat!

Heavy Metal, Iron Maiden, Burning Feet in Warped Heat? I woke up Wednesday morning July 4th, 2012 with a day off ....... It was a sweltering 103° degrees today after adding the heat index it was over 110° degrees!!! I got up at 11 a.m, did some errands and ventured out for my barefoot run. After 10 steps on that sizzling concrete I felt shots of burning pain into my soles like I stepped into a heavy metal sizzling skillet! Now I know what my friend Jaya J means when she says its … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #12 Is Running Bad For Your Knees? How Does The Body Spring Back Safely From Impacts Of Running and Walking?

Is Running Bad For Your Knees? How Does The Body Spring Back Safely From Impacts Of Running and Walking? Running and walking involve impact with the ground. Doctors and scientists currently believe the body resists impacts as a lever mechanism. Hmmmmm I guess I should beleive it. Its in the book! The lessons taught in medical schools, medical books and scientific papers about how the body works and how it breaks down, though based on modern medical constructs, just didn't add … [Read more...]
Article: Barefoot Approach, Foundation of Health Planted in Feet, Expert Says, Malaysia Star Newspaper, by JAYAGANDI JAYARAJ

Barefoot Approach, Foundation of Health Planted in Feet, Expert Says Malaysia Star Newspaper written by, JAYAGANDI JAYARAJ June 9, 2012 Read the article here PLANNED exercise is done to supplement what we do not get in our daily routine, unless of course, if we were running barefoot through the jungle looking for our meals, there would be no need for gyms and exercise. For that reason, even cycling or going on a cross-trainer does not provide your feet the exercise they need to … [Read more...]
Wiggles Pickles n’ Foot Tickles By Jaya J: Running Feet Naked

Wiggles Pickles n’ Foot Tickles by Jaya J: Running Feet Naked May 31, 2012 BAREFOOT RUNNERS - TAKE NOTE Jaya J, a journalist who interviewed me in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia just wrote her second blog post on her efforts to try the Human Spring Approach and barefoot running. click here to view the post 'Running Feet Naked", on Jaya J’s blog site When I met Jaya, less than a month ago she told me that her doctors told her she had to quit running with or without shoes! Now … [Read more...]