Wiggles Pickles n’ Foot Tickles By Jaya J: Running Feet Naked

  Wiggles Pickles n’ Foot Tickles by Jaya J: Running Feet Naked May 31, 2012 BAREFOOT RUNNERS - TAKE NOTE  Jaya J, a journalist who interviewed me in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia just wrote her second blog post on her efforts to try the Human Spring Approach and barefoot running. click here  to view the post 'Running Feet Naked",  on Jaya J’s blog site When I met Jaya, less than a month ago she told me that  her doctors told her she had to quit running with or without shoes! Now … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #97 On Your Feet All Day? Fatigued? Achy? Over Pronation? I Recommend Footwear with Extended Medial Counters

    Today i'm going to talk about shoes, specifically counters. A counter will help you stabilize or maintain your heel in a safe range in the rolling from supination to pronation. When your foot lands on the ground it starts on the outside and it rolls to the inside and springs off. If it starts too far to the outside then it could cause twisting of the leg. If it rolls too far to the inside then it could also cause twisting of the leg. Neither one is … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #86 Dr James Stoxen DC Recommends The Best Shoes To Prevent The Foot From Deforming

Based on The Human Spring Approach and many patients that I have helped with shoe fitting I will explain my opinion on what are the best shoes to keep the foot from deforming. When the foot lands on the ground it lands on the outside and rolls towards the inside. That is how it absorbs the force. When it asends the force of the landing is absorbed by the 33 joints of the foot across the foot evenly. To summarize there are two ways of attenuating the force The rolling effect  and … [Read more...]


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