Article: Barefoot Approach, Foundation of Health Planted in Feet, Expert Says, Malaysia Star Newspaper, by JAYAGANDI JAYARAJ

  Barefoot Approach, Foundation of Health Planted in Feet, Expert Says Malaysia Star Newspaper written by, JAYAGANDI JAYARAJ June 9, 2012 Read the article here PLANNED exercise is done to supplement what we do not get in our daily routine, unless of course, if we were running barefoot through the jungle looking for our meals, there would be no need for gyms and exercise. For that reason, even cycling or going on a cross-trainer does not provide your feet the exercise they need to … [Read more...]

Wiggles Pickles n’ Foot Tickles By Jaya J: Running Feet Naked

  Wiggles Pickles n’ Foot Tickles by Jaya J: Running Feet Naked May 31, 2012 BAREFOOT RUNNERS - TAKE NOTE  Jaya J, a journalist who interviewed me in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia just wrote her second blog post on her efforts to try the Human Spring Approach and barefoot running. click here  to view the post 'Running Feet Naked",  on Jaya J’s blog site When I met Jaya, less than a month ago she told me that  her doctors told her she had to quit running with or without shoes! Now … [Read more...]

PRESS RELEASE: Dr. James Stoxen DC, Tackles Inflammation-Depression Connection at Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Conference, May 26th – 29th, 2012

Depression ICD-9 296.3 PRESS RELEASE:   Chiropractor, Dr. James Stoxen DC, Tackles Inflammation-Depression Connection at Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Conference, May 26th – 29th, 2012 Depression is aging and killing us prematurely and as our population grows older, the need for a better understanding of the disease and methods to counter it has grown more urgent. Recognizing the relative inconsistencies and growing concern for a lifetime reliance on antidepressants to treat depression, … [Read more...]

The Doctor Says, “We Were Meant To Be Barefoot” Watch this to see why……..

Presented at the 8th Malaysian Conference and Exhibition on Anti-Aging, Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine and 1st International Congress on Anti-Aging, Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine April 30, 2011 at 9:00am – May 2, 2011 at 12:00pm Shangri-La Hotel, 11 Jalan Sultan Ismail, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia   Today we are going to talk about the impact of walking and running and specifically I've made my topic barefoot running or run for life, barefoot. Tomorrow is … [Read more...]

If The Shoe Fits Should You Wear It? Watch this to see Dr. James Stoxen DC answer…

Presented at the 8th Malaysian Conference and Exhibition on Anti-Aging, Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine and 1st International Congress on Anti-Aging, Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine April 30, 2011 at 9:00am – May 2, 2011 at 12:00pm Shangri-La Hotel, 11 Jalan Sultan Ismail, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Another reason why my presentation is titled "Run For Life, Barefoot", is because the shoe industry is promoting the various different high-tech implements and the adjustments to the … [Read more...]

PRESENTATION ABSTRACT: Run For Life! Barefoot, 8th Annual Malaysian Conference and Exhibition on Anti-Aging, Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine 2011

Presentation Abstract Title: Run For Life! Barefoot Presented by Dr. James Stoxen DC  To be presented at the 8th Malaysian Conference and Exhibition on Anti-Aging, Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine and 1st International Congress on Anti-Aging, Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine, April 30 at 9:00am - May 2 at 12:00pm Shangri-La Hotel, 11 Jalan Sultan Ismail, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Running, as decades of studies have shown, is one of the best ways for your patients to put distance … [Read more...]

PRESENTATION ABSTRACT: Abnormal Walking Mechanics and the Acceleration Of The Aging Process. Effective Diagnosis, Treatment, And Prevention, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2006

Presentation Abstract Title: Abnormal  Walking Mechanics - The abnormal biomechanics of walking that can cause a rapid acceleration of the aging process. Effective diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of 15 arthritic conditions related to abnormal walking biomechanics. Presented by Dr. James Stoxen DC To be presented at the 3rd Annual Malaysian Anti-Aging Conference and Exhibition Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 29, May 1 & 2, 2006 Diet and exercise are the two most important … [Read more...]


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