Video Tutorial #28 Self-Tests & Exercises To Reduce Over Pronation and Over Supination From Impacts During Walking and Running

  Exercise has long shown to improve health but not all exercise is healthy. Some doctors think just exercise alone without regard to what the exercise does is good enough. Wrong! Exercise such as running and even simple walking with over pronation or over supination can actually do you more harm than good. Also, exercise of any kind with a locked spring puts you at risk for injury and theoretically causes stress, strain, wear, tear and inflammation of the area of … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #157a What Is Foot Pronation And Foot Supination? Is It Good Or Bad?

Over Pronation ICD-9 781.99 What Is Foot Pronation And Foot Supination? Is It Good Or Bad? Tips For Better Health Ask the doctor, Dr. James Stoxen DC You go to your doctor and they say, "Your feet pronate too much or over pronate." Im sure that is what someone said to you which prompted you to google this article. There are many ways to describe over pronation but the way I describe it is when the foot rolls outside a range I call the safe range between rolling from the … [Read more...]

I Have Heel Pain. Should I Give Up On Barefoot Running?

Heel Pain ICD-9 719.47  Heel Spur ICD-9 726.73 I Have Heel Pain. Should I Give Up On Barefoot Running? Tips For Better Health Ask the doctor, Dr. James Stoxen DC Whatever your level of running, regular racing, fitness running, or occasional jogging, aches and pains are a part of the sport. While aches and pains should never be ignored, some are more significant than others because they signify chronic running injury. The most commonly injured areas include the arch and heel … [Read more...]

How Can I Run Barefoot When I Have Plantar Fasciitis, Limbic Difference, Flat Feet, Scoliosis And Pain?

Question: First, structurally, I have a severe case of scoliosis that was fused when I was 12. I have a limbic difference and I didn't know until my feet started hurting but I also apparently, have flat feet.  For these reasons the 3 podiatrists and a PT that I have seen have told me there is no possibility of my becoming barefoot (BF). My husband and I have tried to find a doctor/pt in our area open to BF with absolutely no luck.  About 5 years ago after the birth of my first child my feet … [Read more...]


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