Power Point Notes for Walk and Run For Life! Through Lever Mechanisms Or Spring Mechanisms? June 27-29, 2013 at The International Busan Anti Aging Expo 8th Busan Active Aging Conference in Asia Pacific (ACAP) at The Bexo Convention Hall Busan, Korea Watch above as Dr. Stoxen Lectures at the International Busan Anti Aging Expo 2013 Walk and Run For Life! Through Lever Mechanisms or Spring Mechanisms? 삶을 위한 걷기와 달리기!지렛대 기제 또는 용수철 … [Read more...]
Presentation Abstract: Walk and Run For Life via Lever Mechanisms or Spring Mechanisms? World Congress On Anti-Aging Medicine And Regenerative Biomedical Technologies Expo (A4MC) Shanghai, China, October 18-20, 2012

Title: Walk and Run For Life! Through Lever Mechanisms or Spring Mechanisms? To be presented at: The World Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine and Regenerative Biomedical Technologies Expo Date:Oct.18-20th, 2012 Address: Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center 1099 Guo Zhan Road, Shanghai, China, 200126 By Dr James Stoxen DC The Human Spring Model is Plyometric Training and Barefoot Running vs The Human Lever Model, Resistance Training and Shod Running … [Read more...]
Is Running Bad For Your Knees? Article In Barefoot Running Magazine

Is Running Bad For Your Knees? By Dr. James Stoxen DC Barefoot Running Magazine Summer 2012, Issue 5 pages 24-27 In this issue of the Barefoot Running Magazine you will find plenty of new info, tips, treats and stories. Leigh Rogers takes us through the pros and cons of organic food in the ‘Nutritional Nugget’, Chris Hunt – Pilates expert – explains the benefits and complementary nature of Pilates for runners with some exercises for you to try at home and Dr James Stoxen writes … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #11 – Training The Stabilizing Muscles that Improve Running Walking and Efficiency and How Joe Weider Provided the Insight

In 1993, I was appointed to the editorial advisory board for 'muscle and fitness' magazine, by Mr. Joe Wieder himself. I’ll never forget that phone call. “Dr. Stoxen, I really like your articles! and I would like to know if you would like to be on my editorial advisory board for my magazine.” Joe Weider 1993 Of course, you know I thought that this was a prank by some friend of mine. I hung up the phone and went back to treating patients. About an hour later I got to … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #28 Self-Tests & Exercises To Reduce Over Pronation and Over Supination From Impacts During Walking and Running

Exercise has long shown to improve health but not all exercise is healthy. Some doctors think just exercise alone without regard to what the exercise does is good enough. Wrong! Exercise such as running and even simple walking with over pronation or over supination can actually do you more harm than good. Also, exercise of any kind with a locked spring puts you at risk for injury and theoretically causes stress, strain, wear, tear and inflammation of the area of … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #12 Is Running Bad For Your Knees? How Does The Body Spring Back Safely From Impacts Of Running and Walking?

Is Running Bad For Your Knees? How Does The Body Spring Back Safely From Impacts Of Running and Walking? Running and walking involve impact with the ground. Doctors and scientists currently believe the body resists impacts as a lever mechanism. Hmmmmm I guess I should beleive it. Its in the book! The lessons taught in medical schools, medical books and scientific papers about how the body works and how it breaks down, though based on modern medical constructs, just didn't add … [Read more...]
What Songs Do You Listen To When Running?

What are the top three songs you listen to when running? When you run barefoot, part of the analysis of form and technique is to hear the sound your foot makes on impact. By listening very carefully and making adjustments to the tension of your landing gear you can soften up your landing from a bang and a twist to a spring.... When it comes to running efficiency and reduction of injurious conditions... The "SPRING IS THE THING" As a reporter I met from the 'Malaysia Star', … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #167 Side Shuffle

excerpt from the book, 'How I Got My Wiggle Back', page 170, Stand with your feet slightly wider than a shoulder-width apart and bend your arms at the side. Slide the left foot forward to the right, then step to the right with the right foot. Keep your shoulders over your knees. Change speed and direction for fresh challenges. Repeat 3 times, then reverse, leading with left foot. Spring Action: This drill develops spring in all levels Special Tip: You can add speed and … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #137 Why Plyometric Jumping Or Impact Exercises Increase The Level Of Human Performance In Athletes and YOU too!

Below, is an example of the way athletes are trained in by plyometric box jumping. Resisting the impact to make the spring mechanism stronger. Not many doctors would recommend this to their patients because one might think that impact is going to be damaging to the joints of a patient. The impact is only damaging to the joints of the patient if we don't have a an intact spring mechanism. THAT IS THE DIFFERENCE In this case he is jumping down with the force of the … [Read more...]
ARTICLE, NYCC SPINAL COLUMN: NYCC Chiropractor, Dr. Amir Majidi DC Embracing Human Spring Approach, How I Got My Wiggle Back and our 48 hour Trip to Malaysia

Hi Friends This is a really great article in the New York Chiropractic College newsletter, The Spinal Column, about a young chiropractor, Dr Amir Majidi DC, who has embraced the Human Spring Theory, and has become one of my research assistants, then traveled 32 hours to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to help me lecture in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 27 – 29, 2012. click here Enjoy the article, below! New York Chiropractic College May 2012 edition Title: Depew Intern Embraces … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #133 Circle Walk, Jog, Run And Sprint

Modern society has removed the twists and turns out of our daily life. We walk on sidewalks, roadsides, hallways and treadmills. We no longer have as much uneven terrain to stimulate the receptors, which help with the balance of strength in the sides of our foot stabilizers. This exercise is excellent for redeveloping the muscles, which have atrophied due to a lack of use. An exercise you can do to strengthen the spring suspension system muscles is Circle … [Read more...]
Interview Of Dr. James Stoxen DC By Chris Russell On “RunRunLive Podcast Episode 220”

Interview Of Dr James Stoxen DC By Chris Russell On "RunRunLive Podcast Episode 220" April 13, 2012 Listen to the Podcast Below [podcast]http://teamdoctorsblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/epi220.mp3[/podcast] Intro: Hello and welcome to the blue grass of Kentucky podcast, where the grass isn’t really blue, but it is a very comforting shade of green. From the air coming into Lexington much of it looks like a high-end golf course, without greens or sand traps. There is a … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #152 Ricochet Box Jump

This exercise develops the foot, it's arch and ankle with a twisting motion. Controlled performance is a must. This exercise will help you with your foot, arch and ankle to gain stability, agility and coordination with activities of living and your performance in sports. … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #151 Lateral Cone Jumps

Lateral Cone Jumps Taken from excerpt from the book, 'how I got my wiggle back' From side to side jump over three or four markers (cones) keeping your legs together and throwing your arms upward. Strive for maximum height and concentrate on landing midfoot or forefoot. Don't rest between jumps. Form is so important while performing any of these exercises. Have you ever seen those heroic scenes of elite marathon runners willing themselves over the finishing line? In some of the … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #150 8-Point Step, Lunge, Hop or Bound

excerpt from the book, ‘How I Got My Wiggle Back’, page 170 8-Point Step, Lunge, Hop or Bound Set up four cones or markers in a row. Between each two, identify eight different spots. Stand between the cones and jump to and from the spots in front, behind, and to the side of you. Land on your midfoot, not your heels. … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial # 143 What I Learned From Studying Javier Sotomeyer Technique About Improved Performance and Reducing Injury Risk

We can learn a great deal from studying what athletes do to have optimum performance to improve our performance and prevent injury in our lives. I have learned that plyometric training is one way to develop maximum jumping capacity and to strengthen the Human Spring. It may sound like the latest action film, but controlled impact and maximum power are the aims of a training technique called plyometrics. Yuri Verkhoshansky is the founder of modern human spring training, called … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #147 Single Leg Hop

The lateral lunge is a spring strengthening exercise because the body doesn’t leave the ground. In the impact version, the single leg hop, the body leaves the ground as a hop or jump. That is the difference between spring strengthening and spring supercharging, the impact into the human spring mechanism. excerpt from the book, ‘How I Got My Wiggle Back’, page 170 Single Leg Hop Stand with your feet about a shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees before … [Read more...]
Dr. James Stoxen DC talking about the first meeting with Wiggles Founder Anthony Field On G-Spot Radio 106.3 Sundays

Live Video Radio Interview: Dr. James Stoxen DC with George Daniels and Caryn Lee 106.3 FM WSRB-SOUL The G-Spot Radio Show Sunday, March 18, 2012 Watch this lighthearted yet informative video radio interview. … [Read more...]
Dr. James Stoxen DC Will Be Speaking At The Barefoot Running Festival Symposium, April 14, 2012 Boston MA

Dr. James Stoxen DC Will Be Speaking At The Barefoot Running Festival Symposium April 14 1-4pm Boston Public Library Rabb Lecture Hall 700 Boylston Street Boston, MA 02216 The Barefoot Running Symposium is presented by the New England Barefoot Runners. This symposium is available to the general public at no charge on a first come, first serve basis. This FREE event occurs during (and is part of) the 1st Annual Boston Barefoot Running Festival. This event showcases well … [Read more...]
MEDIA ALERT: The Loneliness Of The Long-Distance Wiggle Discusses His New Book, How I Got My Wiggle Back

The Loneliness Of The Long-Distance Wiggle By David Free The Australian Newspaper March 24, 2012 Is there a job in the world that isn't considerably less fun than it looks? Being a Wiggle, you might suppose, would be a breeze. Roll out of bed at about 10, slip on the coloured shirt for a midday show, mingle backstage with some sexy celebrity mums, then spend the remainder of the day reclining in a hot tub full of cash. Anthony Field, the Blue Wiggle, has … [Read more...]