Bosu Ball Lateral Step As discussed in 'Video Tutorial #148 Bosu Ball Foot training', was how to do one variation of a bosu ball exercise. In this video tutorial we will show you the 'Bosu Ball Lateral Step'. Step with your left foot and cross over in front of you onto the bosu ball making sure you are landing forefoot or midfoot. Step onto the ball with your right foot then once again cross over with your left foot but this time behind and have it land … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #76 Bosu Ball Lateral Step
Video Tutorial #133 Circle Walk, Jog, Run And Sprint
Modern society has removed the twists and turns out of our daily life. We walk on sidewalks, roadsides, hallways and treadmills. We no longer have as much uneven terrain to stimulate the receptors, which help with the balance of strength in the sides of our foot stabilizers. This exercise is excellent for redeveloping the muscles, which have atrophied due to a lack of use. An exercise you can do to strengthen the spring suspension system muscles is Circle … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #151 Lateral Cone Jumps
Lateral Cone Jumps Taken from excerpt from the book, 'how I got my wiggle back' From side to side jump over three or four markers (cones) keeping your legs together and throwing your arms upward. Strive for maximum height and concentrate on landing midfoot or forefoot. Don't rest between jumps. Form is so important while performing any of these exercises. Have you ever seen those heroic scenes of elite marathon runners willing themselves over the finishing line? In some of the … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #171 Barefoot Footprints In The Sand – What They Can Tell You About Your Walking and Running Form And Technique
Dr James Stoxen DC shares and demonstrates Video Tutorial #171 Footprints In The Sand - What They Can Tell You About Your Barefoot Running Form And Technique Coco Cay, Bahamas November 9, 2011 What you can do while running in sand or a more solid ground with sand on the top, is to analyze your footprint to determine how your biomechanics are and what your step looks like. By looking at your imprints in the sand you can determine whether the step was primarily a … [Read more...]