Is Running Bad For Your Knees? By Dr. James Stoxen DC Barefoot Running Magazine Summer 2012, Issue 5 pages 24-27 In this issue of the Barefoot Running Magazine you will find plenty of new info, tips, treats and stories. Leigh Rogers takes us through the pros and cons of organic food in the ‘Nutritional Nugget’, Chris Hunt – Pilates expert – explains the benefits and complementary nature of Pilates for runners with some exercises for you to try at home and Dr James Stoxen writes … [Read more...]
Is Running Bad For Your Knees? Article In Barefoot Running Magazine
Video Tutorial #109 A Great Hip Adduction Exercise Demonstrated by WBC Pro Boxing Champion Miguel Macho Hernandez at Team Doctors
excerpt taken from, 'How I Got My Wiggle Back', page 162 Hip Adduction (Cam Resistance) On the four-way hip machine, raise the bar and the cam so it's high enough to offer resistance. Position the cam at the hip socket. Straddle it - start abducting and adducting within a range of 30 degrees. Keep all toes pointing straight ahead. This works the adductor muscles of the hip joint. Again, don't stop between repetitions. Hold on to the rail if you … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #106 Foot Inversion Exercise
This is an excellent exercise to develop the human spring suspension system muscles of the arch. Instructions: Sit on the floor and attach a Velcro cuff to your foot with the band facing towards the opposite foot. Wrap the with the elastic band around the opposite foot and hold onto it with your hands. Start in full eversion and invert your foot fully to the end range of motion. Spring Action: This exercise develops the muscles that … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #109 A Great Hip Abduction Exercise Demonstrated by WBC Pro Boxing Champion Miguel Macho Hernandez at Team Doctors
excerpt taken from, 'How I Got My Wiggle Back', page 162 Hip Abduction (cam resistance) Stand in the center of a four-way hip machine with your legs close together. Put the resistance roll (the cam) on the outside of the thigh. Make sure it is at the hip height. Keep your body still. Abduct (push out against the cam) your leg to about 30 degrees. You must keep your foot pointing straight ahead (if you turn the foot, you're training a different muscle). Don't stop … [Read more...]