Shin Splints – Self Help Tips, Treatment and Prevention From The Barefoot Running Doctor at Team Doctors

Shin Splints - ICD-9 844.9 Shin Splints - Self Help Tips, Treatment and Prevention From The Barefoot Running Doctor at Team Doctors Tips For Better Health Ask the doctor, Dr James Stoxen DC In this article is everything you ever wanted to know about shin splints and more! Shin Splits ICD-9 844.9 are one of the most common causes of overuse leg injuries are also known as medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS), soleus syndrome, tibial stress syndrome, periostitis, exercise induced leg … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #14 My 8 Secrets To Improving Walking and Running Efficiency through Maximizing Human Spring

My 8 Secrets To Improving Walking and Running Efficiency through Maximizing Human Spring Tips For Better Health Ask the doctor, Dr James Stoxen DC There are many causes of fatigue symptoms and reduced walking and running efficiency... During walking and running we burn most of our energy from muscle fatigue. So, if inefficiency in walking and running is an important cause of fatigue, then a logical first step to diagnosis fatigue would be to evaluate the reason why we could be … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #201 Can You Pass The Foot Ankle Toe Raise Alignment Test? (Posterior View)

  Dr. James Stoxen DC of Chicago IL, USA and  Dr. Amir Majidi Dc of  Toronto, Ontario, Canada April 29, 2012 at a park Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia   Today I am going to help you evaluate if your Human Spring Suspension System muscles are weak by doing the Foot and Ankle Alignment Test. Dr. Amir Majidi Dc from Toronto, Canada, my research assistant will be demonstrating for you how to execute the test. This is the sister test to the Foot-Ankle Toe Raise Alignment Test … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #200 Can You Pass The Foot Ankle Toe Raise Alignment Test? (Front View)

Dr. James Stoxen DC of Chicago IL, USA and April 29, 2012 at a park Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Today I am going to help you evaluate if your Human Spring Suspension System muscles are weak by doing the Foot and Ankle Alignment Test. This is the sister test to the Foot-Ankle Toe Raise Alignment Test (Posterior) The Foot Ankle Alignment Test (Front) and (posterior) are two tests in Anthony Field's book, How I Got My Wiggle back.  You can get the book from or purchase it at your … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #75 The Deep Tissue Treatment Dr. James Stoxen DC Uses For Shin Splints

   Dr. James Stoxen DC Demonstrates The Deep Tissue Treatment He Uses For Shin Splints   Today i'm going to talk about Shin Splints. I am going to show you how to get some relief from the pain from shin splints by doing some deep tissue work. This is helpful if you have major or minor shin splints. This is exactly what I do with patients in my office which means i'm teaching you all of my tricks. First you find the shin which is located in the picture … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #137 Why Plyometric Jumping Or Impact Exercises Increase The Level Of Human Performance In Athletes and YOU too!

  Below, is an example of the way athletes are trained in by plyometric box jumping. Resisting the impact to make the spring mechanism stronger. Not many doctors would recommend this to their patients because one might think that impact is going to be damaging to the joints of a patient. The impact is only damaging to the joints of the patient if we don't have a an intact spring mechanism. THAT IS THE DIFFERENCE In this case he is jumping down with the force of the … [Read more...]


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