Video Tutorial #28 Self-Tests & Exercises To Reduce Over Pronation and Over Supination From Impacts During Walking and Running

  Exercise has long shown to improve health but not all exercise is healthy. Some doctors think just exercise alone without regard to what the exercise does is good enough. Wrong! Exercise such as running and even simple walking with over pronation or over supination can actually do you more harm than good. Also, exercise of any kind with a locked spring puts you at risk for injury and theoretically causes stress, strain, wear, tear and inflammation of the area of … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #37 Aches, Pains, Allergies, Fatigue, Brain Fog, Diseases of Aging Have One Common Thread… INFLAMMATION

Depression ICD-9 296.3, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ICD-9 780.71, Fibromyalgia ICD-9 729.1 The scientific community has found a connection between high chronic levels of Inflammation to the diseases of aging like heart disease and other diseases....  My first exposure to the connection between inflammation and diseases was in the paradise island of Bali Indonesia in 2005. No, I did not get inflamed skin from sun burn laying at the beach.  I wish!  It was in a lecture hall at a medical … [Read more...]


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