Hi Friends This is a really great article in the New York Chiropractic College newsletter, The Spinal Column, about a young chiropractor, Dr Amir Majidi DC, who has embraced the Human Spring Theory, and has become one of my research assistants, then traveled 32 hours to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to help me lecture in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 27 – 29, 2012. click here Enjoy the article, below! New York Chiropractic College May 2012 edition Title: Depew Intern Embraces … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #9 The Human Spring Approach In It’s Relationship To Hooke’s Law Of Physics
We can apply some of the laws of engineering and physics such as Hooke's Law Of Physics which states: The deeper that the spring is depressed the more energy it recycles back to the run, jog, walk or spring. Hooke's Law of spring engineering states that we can push the human spring to its limits to maximize its potential energy as long as we don’t exceed the elastic limit of the spring or the yield point. Hooke's law of elasticity is an approximation that states that … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #4 The Impact Resistance Mechanism (Human Spring)
Video Tutorial #4 The Human Spring Approach-Bridging The Gap Between What Athletes Need And What Doctors Can Deliver By: Dr James Stoxen DC Presented At: The 2nd Annual Bangkok Congress On Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, Bangkok, Thailand, September 4, 2010 Let's say you have 30 women in an aerobics class and 15 of them break down with plantar fascitis, knee pain, hip or back pain. They quit and go to the doctor. The doctor commonly says jumping classes are bad for you. He/She … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #2 – An Introduction To The Human Spring Approach
Video Tutorial #2 An Introduction To The Human Spring Approach By: Dr James Stoxen DC Presented At: The Second World Anti-Aging Medical Conference February 4-6 2011 Mexico City, Mexico So many doctors and scientists say that running is bad for our knees. This is interesting in that I have studied biomechanics for 30 years and this year, at age 48, I chose to run over 300 miles on solid concrete barefoot, and I improved my health. In my model, every movement that you make is aided … [Read more...]