Chondromalacia Patella ICD-9 733.92 Chondromalacia Patella / Cracking Knees or Runners Knee, Knee Cap Pain! Treatment and Prevention Tips from The Barefoot Running Doctor Tips For Better Health Ask the doctor, Dr James Stoxen DC Do you experience knee pain when running? Do you have knee pain when bending? Does your knees crack when going up the stairs? You may have what athletes call Runners Knee, what non-athletes call Cracking Knees and what doctors call, Chondromalacia … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #201 Can You Pass The Foot Ankle Toe Raise Alignment Test? (Posterior View)
Dr. James Stoxen DC of Chicago IL, USA and Dr. Amir Majidi Dc of Toronto, Ontario, Canada April 29, 2012 at a park Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Today I am going to help you evaluate if your Human Spring Suspension System muscles are weak by doing the Foot and Ankle Alignment Test. Dr. Amir Majidi Dc from Toronto, Canada, my research assistant will be demonstrating for you how to execute the test. This is the sister test to the Foot-Ankle Toe Raise Alignment Test … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #200 Can You Pass The Foot Ankle Toe Raise Alignment Test? (Front View)
Dr. James Stoxen DC of Chicago IL, USA and April 29, 2012 at a park Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Today I am going to help you evaluate if your Human Spring Suspension System muscles are weak by doing the Foot and Ankle Alignment Test. This is the sister test to the Foot-Ankle Toe Raise Alignment Test (Posterior) The Foot Ankle Alignment Test (Front) and (posterior) are two tests in Anthony Field's book, How I Got My Wiggle back. You can get the book from or purchase it at your … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial #97 On Your Feet All Day? Fatigued? Achy? Over Pronation? I Recommend Footwear with Extended Medial Counters
Today i'm going to talk about shoes, specifically counters. A counter will help you stabilize or maintain your heel in a safe range in the rolling from supination to pronation. When your foot lands on the ground it starts on the outside and it rolls to the inside and springs off. If it starts too far to the outside then it could cause twisting of the leg. If it rolls too far to the inside then it could also cause twisting of the leg. Neither one is … [Read more...]
Video Tutorial # 99 What Is The Best Way To Lace Your Shoes?
Today i'm going to talk about how to lace a shoe. That might sound kind of strange because most of them are already laced when you get them. You might think the company laces them correctly when you get them but that is not always true. I have a tricky way of lacing shoes that will make them fit perfectly, snug and make the shoe a better support mechanism when you need it. What we have here is a Drew shoe and it has a lacing system that starts over … [Read more...]