Video Tutorial #76 Bosu Ball Lateral Step

  Bosu Ball Lateral Step   As discussed in 'Video Tutorial #148 Bosu Ball Foot training',  was how to do one variation of a bosu ball exercise. In this video tutorial we will show you the 'Bosu Ball Lateral Step'. Step with your left foot and cross over in front of you onto the bosu ball making sure you are landing forefoot or midfoot. Step onto the ball with your right foot then once again cross over with your left foot but this time behind and have it land … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #136 Double Leg Cone Jump or hop

  Double Leg Cone Jumps  excerpt taken from the book, 'How I Got My Wiggle Back', bend at your knees before dropping into a squat. Explode out of the squat upward and to the side. make sure you land midfoot and forefoot. Don't let the heel touch the ground until you come to a stop. Instructions: Start at the side of an object or cone which you are able to jump over. Jump to the side and land with knees bent. As soon as you land jump back over to the other side. Continue … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #167 Side Shuffle

  excerpt from the book, 'How I Got My Wiggle Back', page 170, Stand with your feet slightly wider than a shoulder-width apart and bend your arms at the side. Slide the left foot forward to the right, then step to the right with the right foot. Keep your shoulders over your knees. Change speed and direction for fresh challenges. Repeat 3 times, then reverse, leading with left foot. Spring Action: This drill develops spring in all levels Special Tip: You can add speed and … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #133 Circle Walk, Jog, Run And Sprint

    Modern society has removed the twists and turns out of our daily life. We walk on sidewalks, roadsides, hallways and treadmills. We no longer have as much uneven terrain to stimulate the receptors, which help with the balance of strength in the sides of our foot stabilizers. This exercise is excellent for redeveloping the muscles, which have atrophied due to a lack of use. An exercise you can do to strengthen the spring suspension system muscles is Circle … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #179, 45 Degree Zig-Zag Hop, Jump Or Run

    There are various variations of the 45 Degree Zig-Zag Hop. The video above shows the 45 degree zig-zag cone touch hop   Warm up and stretch beforehand. Challenge the kids to time trials (don't be surprised if they beat you - they already have fully intact, supercharged springs). excerpt from the book, ‘How I Got My Wiggle Back’, page 169 Zig-Zag Run Between cones or markers spread about three feet apart, run in a zig-zag pattern, always leaning in … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #178 High Skip – Vertical And Horizontal

High Skip - Vertical And Horizontal Excerpt from the book, 'How I Got My Wiggle Back' page 169, As you skip rhythmically, concentrate o lifting each leg, bent at the knee at the highest possible point. Use your arms to pump through the routine. When the leg lifts, the right arm should lead and vice versa. When you're doing a vertical skip don't think about speed, concentrate on height. A horizontal skip switches that priority (think speed, not height) … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #177 Side Lunge With Cable

  Side Lunge With Cable Instructions: Place the cable strap around your wrist (waist height) get into a wide stance Go down towards the cable so that it pulls you into a side lunge, then step back up. It's very important to keep the correct form You can also do this exercise by tying a band to a machine. … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #176 Improve Your Balance With Half Foam Roll Exercises

    You can improve your balance with exercises on a half foam roll Standing on the half foam roll, balance on it rolling back and forth from one side to the other. You can also face perpendicular to the board for dorsiflexion and plantar flexion of the foot and ankle. Balance, Combined Card Toss, Catch This is a really fun exercise and challenges not only your balance but at the same time your reflexes and hand eye coordination. You can use a foam board or the … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #144 Double Leg Side Hop

    This exercise supercharges spring strength and spring power in the adductor and abductor muscles of the lower body. Double Leg Side Hop Start at the side of an object which you are able to jump over. Jump to the side and land with knees bent. As soon as you land jump back over to the other side. Continue jumping back and forth until you get fatigued and or loose form. This exercise can be done barefoot or shod. Use your arms for balance and … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #149 Figure 8 Runs

      This drill exercises the spring of the foot in many directions as well as all floors of the body. excerpt from the book, ‘How I Got My Wiggle Back’, page 169 Figure 8 Runs In a 16-foot, figure 8 circle, walk before gradually increasing speed, angling your body inside the circle as you do so. Tighten the circle to 12 feet or even six and try to maintain speed. This drill can be performed shod or barefoot. … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #150 8-Point Step, Lunge, Hop or Bound

      excerpt from the book, ‘How I Got My Wiggle Back’, page 170 8-Point Step, Lunge, Hop or Bound Set up four cones or markers in a row. Between each two, identify eight different spots. Stand between the cones and jump to and from the spots in front, behind, and to the side of you. Land on your midfoot, not your heels.   … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #148 Bosu Ball Foot Training

    This exercise strengthens the spring suspension system muscles in eversion, inversion, the combination of inversion and eversion dorsiflexion and plantarflexion. excerpt from the book, ‘How I Got My Wiggle Back’, page 161 Bosu Ball Foot Training Point the big toes slightly inward (pigeon toed) as you stand up straight on the ball. Push down, it's resistance. Shift your weight from the left side of the foot to the right, rolling the foot in and … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #147 Single Leg Hop

  The lateral lunge is a spring strengthening exercise because the body doesn’t leave the ground. In the impact version, the single leg hop, the body leaves the ground as a hop or jump. That is the difference between spring strengthening and spring supercharging, the impact into the human spring mechanism. excerpt from the book, ‘How I Got My Wiggle Back’, page 170 Single Leg  Hop Stand with your feet about a shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees before … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #172 Sticks And Stones Won’t Break My Barefoot Running Bones

Dr James Stoxen DC shares and demonstrates Video Tutorial #172 Sticks And Stones Won't Break My Barefoot Running Bones Coco Cay, Bahamas November 9, 2011   What if you step on something? I get that asked a lot! I do step on things. Little rocks, sticks, seeds and stuff. When my foot feels the tiny thing (I run around bigger things) my skin is so aware of "things" that my reflexes pull me right off it before I feel anything that would take me off stride. I step on … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #173 Can You Run Barefoot On Rock, Concrete or Asphalt?

Dr James Stoxen DC shares and demonstrates Video Tutorial #173 Can You Run Barefoot On Rocks? Coco Cay, Bahamas November 9, 2011 A big concern when running barefoot on hard surfaces is the high amount of impact or force on the body. The body's human spring is a natural protective mechanism that allows you run on hard surfaces. Joint damage from running on hard surfaces is a result of the person's protective mechanism being broken down, or locked. The first step is to release the … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial # 108 Cable Hip Adduction And Foot Inversion

        Instructions: taken from page 162 from How I Got My Wiggle Back While standing, attach a Velcro cuff to your foot.  Start in full eversion and invert your foot fully.  Your leg crosses over and back to the end range of motion. the cable runs across the body.  Do not move your shin bone. The lower leg must not not move at all. (no cheating!) By holding it still, the muscles in the foot are isolated. Spring Action: This exercise … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #109 A Great Hip Adduction Exercise Demonstrated by WBC Pro Boxing Champion Miguel Macho Hernandez at Team Doctors

    excerpt taken from, 'How I Got My Wiggle Back', page 162 Hip Adduction (Cam Resistance) On the four-way hip machine, raise the bar and the cam so it's high enough to offer resistance. Position the cam at the hip socket. Straddle it - start abducting and adducting within a range of 30 degrees. Keep all toes pointing straight ahead. This works the adductor muscles of the hip joint. Again, don't stop between repetitions. Hold on to the rail if you … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #107 Ankle Exercise Training Strengthening

    Instructions: Standing on the balance board, balance on it rolling back and forth from one side to the other. You can also move in dorsiflexion and plantarflexion. Challenge yourself in many directions. Spring Action: This develops the spring suspension system muscles of the foot and ankle. Special Tip: This exercise should be done barefoot but can be done shod. You can add challenging hand-eye coordination drills to incorporate the balance into an … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #106 Foot Inversion Exercise

  This is an excellent exercise to develop the human spring suspension system muscles of the arch.     Instructions: Sit on the floor and attach a Velcro cuff to your foot with the band facing towards the opposite foot. Wrap the with the elastic band around the opposite foot and hold onto it with your hands. Start in full eversion and invert your foot fully to the end range of motion.   Spring Action: This exercise develops the muscles that … [Read more...]

Video Tutorial #109 A Great Hip Abduction Exercise Demonstrated by WBC Pro Boxing Champion Miguel Macho Hernandez at Team Doctors

  excerpt taken from, 'How I Got My Wiggle Back', page 162 Hip Abduction (cam resistance) Stand in the center of a four-way hip machine with your legs close together. Put the resistance roll (the cam) on the outside of the thigh. Make sure it is at the hip height. Keep your body still. Abduct (push out against the cam) your leg to about 30 degrees. You must keep your foot pointing straight ahead (if you turn the foot, you're training a different muscle). Don't stop … [Read more...]


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